X: Dream A Little Dream of Me \\ Michael Buble

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After skyping with my mom, I went to buy some groceries.

I don't know if this is fate or destiny or just a coincidence but of all people, I bump into Jake.

"Sabrina!" He hugs me.

"Hey, Jake."

To be honest, Jake is just a friend to me and I have a strong feeling that I'm just a friend to him too.

"Buying some groceries, I see." He says.

"Well, it is a grocery store." I reply and he chuckles.

"Hey, Jake, can I ask you something." I say.

"Yeah, sure. Fire away."

"Just don't get freaked out or anything."

"Um okay." He says in a question tone.

"You see, I've been getting these 'gifts' from someone and i recently got one at the lakehouse. It was in m backpack. So it's gotta be from someone in the group, right?"

"Right. And?"

"And I thought it was Spencer since he was the one who gave me my backpack bug I confronted him and he said it wasn't him." I say and he looks very confused.

"But he told me that the last person in the room was... you. So Rowan and I thought that there's a possibilty that it's you." I add.

"Well, Spencer is right." He says and I feel my heart sink.

It's not that I don't like him. He's just not my type.

"I was the last person there but.." He adds.

"But what?" I interrupt.

"But I went in there to grab something for Bradley. He said he left his phone there so I went in to get it for him." He says and I am relieved.

"Oh. I had a feeling that it wasn't you." I say.

"Well, I'm glad we cleared the air. Now you have less suspects, right? I should get going now. See you at Rowan's." He says and he leaves quickly.

"Wait." I tried to stop him but he went out too fast.

I was gonna ask him if he saw anyone inside.

I paid for the groceries and went home. I unpacked everything the took a quick shower before going to Rowan's.

After getting ready, I hurried downstairs and once I got out, a teddy bear was on my porch. It gad a In-n-Out hat and it was holding a note.

I grabbed the bear and went back inside.

'I hear you've been searching for me. Looks like my gifts became clues so this shall be the last. "If it's meant to be, love will bring us together." ' the note says.

This can't be the last. I need more clues. This is unfair.

I put the bear on my bed and the note in my drawer along with the rest.


"Hey, Sab. You're a little late than usual." Rowan says once I got to her house.

"Well, I got another one today. The last one." I say.

"The last? You mean he doesn't like you anymore?" She asks.

"He found out that I've been looking for him. And feels a lot like he doesn't want me to know him" i reply.

Rowan doesn't say anything else she just hugs me.

We were having a sleepover in Rowan's backyard and we were currently eating spaghetti that Rowan's mom made.

"The king is here!" Jake says and we all look towards the door.

It's Bradley.

"I am here, my humble servants." He plays along.

Peyton(Meyer) hands him a plate of spaghetti and he receives it. He sits down next to Jake.

"Are you feeling okay?" Corey asks.

"Much better." He answers.

"I'm glad you're okay now, Bradley. I missed you so much." Peyton (list) says as she sits down next ti Bradley.

"It was just 2 days, Pey." He says.

"A lot can happen in 2 days." Piper says.

"Yeah, a lot of sneezing and coughing." He jokes which cracks us all up.

We were playing just dance and I was just watching them. I didn't really feel like playing.

Bradley sat next to me.

"Thanks for the In-n-Out. It made me a feel better." He says.

"No problem." I say then it was silent.


We were all sleeping now, well actually I couldn't sleep yet.

"Carpenter?" Bradley startles me.


"Why are you still awake?" He asks.

"I can't sleep. You?" I counter. We were whispering since everyone was asleep.

"Same." He says.

I roll over so I could see him. He was just staring at the sky.


"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Looking at the sky." I answer.

"There's a lot of stars tonight." She says.


"It's beautiful." She says.

"Are you making a wish?" I ask.


"Why not?"

"There's no falling star." She replies.

"Then wish for a falling star." I say.

I can see her closing her eyes. She's beautiful. I could tell she fell asleep.

And with that, I fell drifted off to sleep.



[A few days later]

Mom came back a week ago and now she's leaving again. We've already said our goidbyes and she's probably on a plane right now.

I check the mail and I saw one for me. I don't usually get mail. I open it and it was a gift certificate. A free meal at In-n-Out. This is heaven.

There was a writing on the inside of the envelope. I tore it so I could read it properly.

'I want to take you out and watch the stars falling and make wishes. But all I'll wish for is for you to fall too. -Ps. I swear this is the last.' It said.



×I don't what I'm doing omg i suck as a writer why aint i John Green? Hope u enjoyed this little chapter. Follow my fanstagram for edits (shameless self-promo) it's @ brabrina5sos.jpg THANK YOU FOR THE AMAZING SUPPORT GUYS LOVE YOU MWAAAAAA! :'* ps. I live for your comments :') i enjoy reading them hahahahaha ×

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