Chapter 2✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added Scenes/➖Short Chapter

Present Day
Inside: San Quentin Penitentiary
Prison Room

A man named Scott Lang stands in the middle of a dark room but lit up in the middle where he's standing. Scott standing straight, breathing deeply as in preparing himself for something and takes a deep breath before nodding.

Suddenly, Scott is punched in the face by another prisoner, he bends over in pain from the punch. Scott and the other prisoner named Peachy is surrounded by the other inmates, they're standing in the circle with the light above them.

The inmates all 'eeoooing' as they witnessed the punch, Peachy asks Scott who's bent over, recovering from the hard punch, "You like that? You like that?" He gestures for Scott to come at him, "Come get you some then." The other prisoners are now shouting and cheering them on.

Scott lowers his head almost like giving up before he suddenly, runs forward and tackles Peachy who is bigger and grabs Scott, turning him and throws him in the crowd, where two inmates grab Scott before he gets to fall and pushes him to stand in front of Peachy who pushes him back a bit before stepping back.

Scott has a cut on his right eyebrow from the punch, he stands straight and looking at Peachy, he then steps forward and punches Peachy just underneath his chest on the left side, but Peachy doesn't even flinch, he just looks down at where Scott punched him before looking up and gives Scott a 'really look'.

Scott steps back and groans in pain as he shakes his hand and holds it, he looks up at Peachy and sees him still standing there, not moving. Scott shrugs and states the obvious, "You didn't even move."

Peachy still giving Scott the 'really look' and shakes his head a bit as he answers, "Nah."

Scott asks Peachy, "Wh-what if I come in on the left side, right?" He points to his left, "Just out here." He points to a part of Peachy's stomach, "You see this right here?" Peachy looks down to see where and Scott quickly punches Peachy in the face. The crowd goes in shock and shouts 'eoooo'.

Peachy's head turned because of the punch and he grabs his jaw, Scott stands there with his fists up, ready to continue fighting. Peachy moves his hand away to see the blood on his hand before looking up at Scott who looks a bit scared.

Peachy straightens up and wipes the blood off his lip with his thumb before breaking into a smile and tells Scott, "I'm gonna miss you, Scott."

Scott puts his fists down and relaxes, breathing out as he smiles, "I'm gonna miss you, too, Peachy." They grasps hands before pulling each other in a bro-hug, they pull away and shakes hands before snapping their fingers away as Scott smiles, "Man, you guys got the weirdest goodbye rituals."

Scott turns to the others and says goodbye to the other inmates as guard 1 shouts, "All right, break it up."

Guard 2 shouts as the crowd starts to break off while Scott continues to say goodbye the the others, "Break it up! Break it up!"

Outside: Front Gates

Scott has two small bandages to cover his cut on his eyebrow and wearing normal clothing with a backpack on his shoulder, he's walking forward along the pathway with two guards behind him, they're escorting him out of the prison.

They pass a group of new prisoners being escorted into the prison, they walk up to the gate and the security opens the gate with a buzzing sound.

Parking Lot 🕊

A prisoner transfer bus drives away to reveal Scott's friend—Luis who's standing in front of a parked van, a female figure leaning against the van, face is hidden.

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