Chapter 17✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺Fight/➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Montage Continues: Day
Inside: Pym's House
Basement: Fitness Area ⌨️

Hank and Amy are chatting about the plan as Hank opens the door and they step out of the electrical room, they stop talking when they find Scott across the room, wearing the suit and sitting at a desk without his helmet and is playing around with the suit's regulator on the belt. Amy and Hank share a look as Hank closes the door.

Scott looks at the two, he has tools in his hand, "You know, I think this regulator is holding me back."

Amy tells Scott sternly as she stands on Pym's right and points to the regulator in front of Scott, "Do not screw with the regulator." She and Hank walk closer to Scott, "If that regulator is compromised, you would go subatomic."

Scott narrows his eyes confused, "What does that mean?"

Dr. Pym answers as he and Amy stands in front of the desk, where Scott is sitting behind of, "It means that you would enter a quantum realm."

Amy turns her head and looks at Hank confused and asks, "What does that mean?"

Dr. Pym answers as he looks between Amy and Scott, "It means that you would enter a reality where all concepts of time and space become irrelevant as you shrink for all eternity." Hank looks down and says a bit sadly, "Everything that you know and love,-" Hank looks to Scott with sadness in his eyes, "-gone forever." Amy looks at Hank sadly.

Scott says casually and a bit awkwardly, completely ruining the moment, "Cool. Yeah, if it ain't broke..." He waves it off.

Inside: Secret Lab ⌨️🕊

Scott standing on Hank's right as AJ stands on his left with her arms crossed, Hope and Amy are sitting on stools in front of them; Amy on Hope's right, their all standing by the monitors.

Dr. Pym telling Scott with his hands in his pant-pockets, "You've learned about the suit, but you've yet to learn about your greatest allies,-" He looks to his left while Hope looks over her right shoulder, "-the ants." AJ and Scott follow and look to their left while Amy looks over her right shoulder to see a glass case against the wall with 4 compartments with 4 different types of ants within them, from right to left; 'CARENTER ANT, BULLET ANT, CRAZY ANT, FIRE ANT'. Hank tells Scott, "Loyal, brave,-"

Outside: Backyard
Garden Area ⌨️🕊

Hank's voice, "-and your partners on this job."

Scott standing in the suit, he presses the button on his right jaw and the helmet closes. Hank, Amy, Hope and AJ are sitting on the brick steps, Hank gestures and points down to Scott.

Small Sized World: Ground
Inside: Ant Cave / Tunnel

Scott/Ant-Man shrinks down in the backyard garden, he stands in front of an ant cave/tunnel and he starts running in.

A couple minutes later, Scott/Ant-Man deep within the tunnel, Amy's voice explains, "Paratrechina longicornis. Commonly known as crazy ants." Scott/Ant-Man stumbles across a yellow and orange ant—the crazy ant, he stops and looks at it, "They're lightning fast and can conduct electricity, which makes them useful to fry out enemy electronics."

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