Chapter 32✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺Fight/➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Night: Normal Sized World
Outside: Random Family's Backyard

Scott/Ant-Man stands up and jog up to the bug zapper, seeing a little black thing in the middle aka small Darren/Yellowjacket. Before Scott/Ant-Man could do anything, a voice interrupts him. Paxton's and Gale enter the backyard after following and tracking them, they have their guns raised and aimed at Scott/Ant-Man.

Paxton shouts angrily, "Freeze!" Scott/Ant-Man turns his head to face the two, "Put your hands up!" The two walk closer, "Get 'em up!" Scott/Ant-Man turns around and quickly taps the right side of his jaw, his helmet opens to reveal his face to Paxton as he puts his hands and arms up in surrender. Paxton lowers his gun and looks at Scott confused, "Scott?" He holsters his gun.

Scott/Ant-Man starts to say as he walks over to Paxton, "Paxton, you have to listen to me-" He gets cut off by getting stunned by Paxton who shot him with his taser gun.

Scott/Ant-Man shakes as the electricity stuns him, he falls down on his back, going unconscious but he still flinches once when the electricity's stopped. Paxton and Gale walk up to unconscious Scott/Ant-Man, they share a look before they bend down and grab Scott/Ant-Man by the arms, they lift him up and take him away.

Small Sized World
Inside: Bug Zapper

A dead Darren/Yellowjacket hangs down from in between electricity bars as the added arms are wedged between and holding him up. Suddenly, the electricity goes through Darren/Yellowjacket's chest, making him arch up and scream horrifically as the electricity that killed him, now brought him back to life.

Minutes Later: Normal Sized World
Inside: Police Car

Scott/Ant-Man wakes up at the back of Paxton's and Gale's car as they're driving Scott back to the police station. Scott/Ant-Man sees his helmet on the seat beside him, his hands are cuffed behind him.

Scott/Ant-Man looks to Paxton who's driving, "Paxton, turn around! Take me back!"

Paxton calmly tells Scott, "I am taking you back. To prison."

Scott/Ant-Man tries to explain simply without giving too much detail, "There's something in that backyard that needs to be destroyed. In the bug zapper. There-" Paxton suddenly slams his foot on the brakes and stops the car.

Outside: Road

The tires screeches as Paxton's car stops.

Inside: Paxton's Car

Paxton turns to Scott/Ant-Man and points at him with his right finger as he shouts, "You need to desist right now! Your delusions are out of hand." Scott/Ant-Man looking at Paxton shocked but looks towards the radio.

The police dispatch radio, a male voice says, "All units, we have a 2-36 in progress at 840 Winter Street."

Scott/Ant-Man exclaims, "Cassie!"

Paxton mutters in panic as he turns around and shifts the gear, "That's my house."

Outside: Road

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