In Which Kamijo and Emilyn Give Into Their Urges

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WARNING!! SEX AHEAD!! If you don't like that, then you need to skip the last half of this chapter, marked like this: '~X~X~X~' and move onto the next.

WARNING!! SEX AHEAD!! If you don't like that, then you need to skip the last half of this chapter, marked like this: '~X~X~X~' and move onto the next

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After mine and Kamijo’s admissions, we only managed to spend a couple of days together before he was off touring the country again. It sucked because, I also was having to tour the country with my dance school as we had entered and qualified for the national dance competition for that year. We had to tour town to town and participate in various different styles of dance, so far we had come out on top.

Kamijo and I hadn’t seen each other in weeks but it didn’t deter us. We maintained contact by video calling every night after he had got done with a show and I had gotten done with a performance.

When we weren’t video calling, we were texting each other a lot. It was hard but the cellular contact made things a little easier to bear. I’d be lying if I said that our calls were innocent, as it turned out, they were far from it. Even though we had never planned for them to go by the wayside and turn sexy, it just kind of happened. I had put this down to the fact that, we had been basically dating for almost six months at this point and hadn’t done much more than kiss.

This, I knew, was largely down to his and my separate tours of the country. What I did know though, was I was ready to move on to that. So much so, that two months into the dance competitions, I had taken a few hours away and visited a physician and got myself onto birth control. I hadn’t told Kamijo this, but I would, as soon as we saw each other again.

A few days before the last stage of the competition and the night that would ultimately decide the national champions, I saw him again. The championship was being held in, weirdly, Kyoto. Which made this interaction all the more ironic. My team and I had chosen to stay in the same inn that Kamijo and I had been in.

Thinking back, it was almost like divine providence, that this would happen here.

I had made my way to my room, after finishing the last minute prep for the championship. I remember looking at my phone periodically and thinking it weird that I hadn’t heard from Kamijo, since the day before and he hadn’t tried to text or call me all day. I would be lying if I said it didn’t sting a little bit. I had pushed the feeling aside though, putting it down to him just being particularly busy and probably tired too.

I had sighed as I slid the shouji door open, then closed behind me and flipped on the dimmer lights, just to jump out of my skin, then grin stupidly at who I seen sitting on the chair, that was against one of the striped walls.

I squealed happily as I ran over, practically throwing myself into Kamijo’s open arms. He laughed richly at my antics, making a quip about me missing him. I giggled agreeing and asking him what he was doing there. He had smiled and explained that, it just so happened that he had, had a show in Kyoto that night and knowing that I was here, decided that he would sleep separately from his band and spend some much needed time with me.

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