In Which a Humanitarian Rescue is Made

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The visitation with Kamijo’s parents had gone incredibly well

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The visitation with Kamijo’s parents had gone incredibly well. Better than he and I had expected.

Before they left, Katsume had taken me aside and pulled me into a tight hug, telling me that she would miss me and that she was so happy that I was going to be her new daughter. This comment had made me tear up as I hugged her back. After Katsume had let me go, to say her goodbyes to her son, Mitsuka had came over to me and hugged me also.

He asked me to look after his son and that he was glad it was me that Kamijo had chosen and that he couldn’t wait for the wedding. I had smiled, hugging the older man back and promising to take good care of Kamijo. Mitsuka had nodded sharply, his eyes seeming like they where glistening but he hid it well and turned to his son.

Kamijo wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I lent into him, as we watched his parents drive off down the drive way until we couldn’t see them anymore.

‘So, they love you. I have yet to have a partner that they liked. Until you, that is.’ Kamijo said as he turned us and lead us down into the court yard, walking in the direction of our back gardens.

‘Really? How do you know?’ I asked as I snuggled closer to him, placing my arm around his waist.

‘I had a moment with both of them this morning when you were showering. They told me then.’ He replied, leaning down and kissing the top of my head softly.

I smiled up at him, not saying anything in response, then lent my head against him. We walked in companionable silence, reaching the back gardens in no time.

Our gardens where gorgeous. They weren’t massive but they weren’t small either. The back garden had trees that lined it on either side. Behind these trees was a small gravel path way and then dense shrubbery edging along that. As we made our way deeper into the garden, Kamijo stopped suddenly his head cocking to the side. As I went to ask him what was wrong, he hushed me, walking a little further into the garden. I watched him and was once again struck by his handsomeness.

He was wearing all black today. And his face was completely natural, with not a drop of make-up in sight. He paused again and turned slightly to the side. I got fed up waiting though as he looked like he was concentrating on something super hard. So I asked him what was going on. He looked at me and told me that he could swear that he had just heard an animals cry and that it was close by. As I went to say that I hadn’t heard anything, I shut up as my ears picked up what sounded like kitten cries.

Listening intently now, both of us heard when the cries came again and were able to pin-point where they were coming from. It was coming from the shrubbery, figuring this out, we both rushed over to the path, following the sounds of the tiny meows, which were growing louder the closer we got. It didn’t take long before we found the shrub that it was coming from. Kamijo wasted no time and dropped to his knees, in the grass and dirt, pushing the foliage aside and then fell back onto his heels with a gasp, a sad look on his face.

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