Soccer practice

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“Dad, I’m going to soccer” I shout up the stairs. I hear him grumble something and head out of the door, only stopping to grab my water bottle.

“Hi Katniss” I say cheerfully as I near a girl with her beautiful brown hair tied back into a braid at the side of her head.

“Hiya Clove”

“Where’s Peeta?”

“Over there, talking to Gale. He’s dating the head cheerleader this week and they have practice as well”

“Gale, dating, never thought that would happen” I say sarcastically and Katniss laughs. The sound of her voice seems to rouse Peeta’s senses. The next minute he is stood next to Katniss and has his arm around her tiny waist.

“Hey Clove” he says happily. Peeta is always so happy and sometimes it makes me jealous, even when someone is being mean to him or joking about him he manages to stay calm and almost always becomes friends with them in the end. But he has his weaknesses, and Katniss is one of them.

“Hiya Peeta, heard Gale has a new girlfriend”

“No surprise there then” Peeta says jokily and Katniss and I laugh until our coach appears beside us.

“Sevina, Everdeen, get on that pitch. Mellark, get your hands off my striker”

The minute our coach is gone we break into a fit of giggles. But Peeta still does what he says. He kisses Katniss on the lips passionately before wishing her luck and running off to the stands to watch practice.

I watch as one of the cheerleaders, Delly Cartwright, waves one of her pompoms at him before returning to her practice. Peeta waves back but only through friendship. Peeta only has eyes for Katniss and Delly knows this. She just thinks she can find a way of getting around this obstacle. I jog up to Katniss and begin stretching beside her.

“Miss fancy pants cheerleader is after your man again”

“Does she realise I am on the wrestling team” Katniss says jokily and I snigger, but her face remains serious.

“I’m being serious, Peeta is mine and we are going to be together forever. If she wants a boyfriend Gale is always open for vacancies”

“Whoa Fire Girl, calm down”

“Why did you call me that?”
“Call you what?”

“Fire girl”

“Well, Glimmer and I thought that it suited your personality. We nick named Peeta Lover boy”

“That’s a bit harsh, that’s like us calling you the girl with the knives” she saw my blank expression “What? You do fencing”

“This is a training session girls, not a bloody mothers meeting” the coach said from behind us. We mumbled sorry and waited before he had gone before starting again.


“So what”

“I heard you slept round Peeta’s at the weekend, anything exciting happen?”

“No! Not in that way anyway, me and Peeta are nothing like Annie and Finnick”

“Bit harsh”

“They said it, not me. I wasn’t the one ranting around the school telling everyone I wasn’t a virgin anymore. That was Annie”

“Beautiful Katniss, thanks for bringing that up. Now I have horrible visions in my mind”

“Sorry” she giggled before the coach appeared behind us once again.

“I thought I told you girls to shut it” he bellowed into our ears before leaving once again.

Finding my way, 1st book in the HGG74 series (Cato/Clove) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now