1. My Boss is anything but Jolly

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It was the last day of November and tomorrow was going to finally be the first day of December. It made Michelle count the hours she has left at work before she could go home and pack for the holidays. She was going to go to her hometown. Clover was the best town to spend Christmas. It was always magic around that time of the year. A whole month of relaxing and enjoying the most beautiful time of the year, it sounds so amazing. She only had to survive four more hours of work and her horrible new boss. She worked for the company since she was 18 years old in the marketing office, and she loved it with a passion but a week ago when the new manager showed in the office, all the love she had for the job kind of faded. All she thought about was who was going to have a break down first. Her? Or the new boss? What the hell was on the HR mind when they hired him? Knowing who the head of the HR was, what was she expecting. The woman was crazy. And the new manager treated her like she was his personal assistant. She could hear his voice in her mind, Michelle can you do that, I want that, do you have a minute, can you bring me that. She was going insane. One day she was going to bring her job description and throw it in his face. It was like he couldn't do anything by himself, the only thing he could do was to boss her and her coworkers around. Her previews boss used to be more like a friend. And talking about the new boss here he was locked out of the office because he forgot his access card again. She sighed opening the door for him. One day he was going to forget his head at home.

"Thank you! Can you book a meeting room for me?"

I would, but don't you think you forgot to add the word please to your sentence, Michelle thought. "Sure!" It was the word she loved to use when she was annoyed. In her mind it sounded more sassy, even if when she said that to her superior she used her sweet voice and a very fake smile.

"What time?" She asked back.

"1 PM to 2 PM. We will be around twelve people in the meeting. And I almost forgot, can you make a copy of my agenda and print it? Bring it to my office." He said in his demanding voice and left to his office. She hated him.

Michelle went back to work. The only meeting room available was Macy with a capacity of only ten people. Fuck! Now she had to make some calls and see if she could change the meeting room. Moving people from one room to another one, she was going to have so much fun. Good thing she was the best at solving problems. She so wanted to listen to some Christmas music while she worked but he even banned Youtube."It's the season to be jolly, don't let him get to you". Her boss was anything but jolly. One more reason not to be his biggest fan! It had never made any sense to Michelle that there were people in the world who hated Christmas. How anyone could hate the glittering lights or decorated trees and festive music or holiday films. She was so grateful when it was time to go home. She put on her jacket and started to get her things. Even if she was going to be out of office for almost a month she still had to work from home. She almost approached her car when she heard her name being called from behind her. The voice belonged to her coworker Rachelle. Rachelle was so tall she looked just like a model. Her red hair was so long and curly and her green eyes were so bright and full of joy.

"I thought you already left, then I saw you from the office window and I came as fast as I could." Rachelle said inhaling and exhaling.

"I was just about to get in my car, when I heard my name being called."

"I almost forget to give you that." She handed a small golden box with a red bow to Michelle.

"You didn't have to."

"But I wanted to. I saw that and thought it would be perfect for you. Open it." Inside the little box was a silver necklace with a snowflake and a small green stone in the middle of it. It was beautiful.

"Thank you so much!" She hugged Rachelle.

"Happy holidays Michelle! I am so glad you like it. I am not going to keep you any longer, I am more like sure Bellisario is waiting for you at home." Bellisario being her little, fur buddy.

"Happy holidays Rachelle!" 


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