3. Welcome to Clover

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When she saw the sign with "Welcome to Clover" Michelle knew she was home. Night had fallen and enveloped the town in a blanket of darkness with sparkling lights all around making it pretty festive.

A real Christmas, Michelle barely could remember what it was like.

She parked the car in front of the house and impatiently got out but stopped to get Bellisario from the back seat. He was so quiet during the way home. He probably was upset because she got him in the cage. The porch light was on, and the familiar yellow glow made the house feel warm and inviting. She saw some movement inside through the window.

"Auntie, Mickey!" Two small girls run to her wrapping their short arms around her legs. "We missed you so much."

"I missed you too!" Michelle said while picking one of the twins in her arms hugging her tight not caring anymore about her luggage. She could get her belongings from the car later on. Lottie and Leah were her brother's daughters. They were five years old. Michelle loved them so much and the girls have grown so much since the last time she had seen them. It was the perfect time to get some quality time with her nieces and let her brother and Ava breath.

"Easy, girls. Let your aunt breath." Michelle's mom said fallowing the girls. When she got near Michelle, she embraced her in a tight hug.

"It's so good to see you. You look wonderful. Let's go inside its freezing."

"You too, mum. Can you please get Bell? I dropped the cage when Lottie jumped in my arms."

"I want up too." Leah protested raising her arms up. Michelle let go of Lottie and picked the other girl.

"I finally get to meet Bellisario."Michelle's mum said. "Look how cute you are!"


"I am sure he can't wait to get out of there once we are inside."

"With this two, he probably will want to stay there." Michelle's mom said pointing at Lottie and Leah.

The first thing she noticed when she got inside was that some of the Christmas ornaments were already into place, there were still some boxes in the living room on the floor.

"We started decorating the house a little bit, my little helpers couldn't wait any longer."

"I can see. The place looks great. You finally got rid of the old furniture."

"We waited for you to get home so we can pick a Christmas tree." Lottie told her.

"Can we get him out? Can we? Please auntie Mickey." Leah said pointing at Bell's cage. How could she say no to her. 

"Of course, you can! I almost forgot about Bellisario."

Leah struggled to unlock the door for the cage so Michelle decided to help her.

"Thank you!" Bellisario slowly got out of the cage looking around at the unfamiliar place. "It will take some time to get use to it. Try not to scare him too much. I will bring him his food and some water."

"He's so soft!" Leah said petting him. "And so white." 

"I want to pet him too." Lottie run over to Leah. "Come here, Bell."

"Where are dad and Stephen?" Michelle asked since she didn't see any sign of her dad and brother.

"They went into town. This year they are volunteers at the Christmas fair. The fair should open in five days and the cabins weren't ready so the mayor asked for some help." Ellen explained.

"I knew that Ava wasn't home. I talked with her a few days ago and she told me they sent her in a business trip to Orlando."

"They told her she had to go, she wasn't so happy about it because she wanted to be here for the girls play theater at school and both of them are also doing dance."

"I can imagine. Work it's complicated. I have to check my e-mails before I go to bed as well. I told my boss I will work from time to time otherwise I wouldn't be home right now."

"You work too much honey. It was time to take some days off. I can't even remember the last time you were home. It's the holiday season and it's time for family." Ellen stated. 

"You're right, as always. I still have some deadlines to deal with and after I promise I won't mention work again."

"Sounds good to me. I will take the girls to get ready for bed, they have school tomorrow. There's tea in the kitchen if you want. I know you usually can't go to bed without a cup of tea."

"Thank you, mom!"

While Ellen went with the girls upstairs, Michelle decided to take a look around but first pour herself a cup of tea. The inside of the house changed a lot her mum decorated the whole place, even the doors were brand new. She admired some of the pictures of her and her brother in the living room, when she heard the front door.

"Look who's home. Come give me a hug." Her dad said.

"Dad! I so missed you guys."

"Welcome home, sis." Stephen said hugging his sister.

"Home? You practically transformed the whole place."

"Just wait to see you room." 

"I don't think I am ready."


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