2. The scent of ginger bread

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By the time she got in front of her flat's door her hands were full of present she had bought for her family and friends. She carefully searched for the keys without dropping anything and making a fool of herself. She had to be extra careful because she knew the moment she was going to open the door her cat was going straight out for a game of tag and she wasn't in the mood for it. Going down 6 floors to catch her cat wasn't so tempting after a full day of work. The moment she opened the door, Bellisario was ready to go out but she blocked him right in time with her right foot bringing him back inside.

"Where do you think you are going?" She scolded him while putting all the bags on the floor.

"Meow!" He looked kind of angry because she ruined his plan, he turned his back to her lifting his tails and going to the kitchen like nothing happened.

"Don't worry, I have something for you. I got your favorite food. Whiskas the milky treat will solve all of our issues." Her cat was the sassiest but even he couldn't resist a bowl of milky treats.

The moment she ripped open the bag of plastic her cat was acting all nice and cute around her following every move she made. Michelle thought of what her cat was probably saying right now something like:" Stop playing, give it to me human."

She stopped playing with her cat feelings and emptied the content of the plastic bag in Bellisario's blue bowl making him very happy and meowing with joy after every bite he took. Now that she finished with Bell's dinner it was time to figure out what to cook. She looked at what she had in the kitchen and decided to make some pasta, something easy and fast, since she was tired and she had to leave early in the morning for her home town. Great thing she packed everything some days ago otherwise she would have been awake till midnight. Food wasn't going to solve all of her problems but a bubble bath, sure will do the trick. The scent of ginger bread relaxed her, it was her favorite around this season. Tomorrow she was going to be in Clover, she was going to see her family and friends. She was so ready for a magical Christmas, she dreamed about snow, the beautiful ornaments. Gabi was going to be home as well, she was her best friend since middle school and missed her so much. Living on other side of the country wasn't easy but they managed somehow to remain friends. That meant a lot of time talking on the phone, texting every day and skyping from time to time. Michelle was working in Los Angeles in the marketing office for Netflix while Gabi was working for a travel agency in New York. Life was crazy busy for them, the girls still used to visit each other one time per year, to maintain traditions like having breakfast every Sunday at their favorite place while face timing each other and talking about how they wish the weekend will last a little more. And beside that both of them had a web page together called "Fancy Wizards by Micky and Gabi" that they still used to post on. They created the page when they were 12 years old and learned how to do it in the computer science class. The platform used to be pretty popular years ago, they used to have games for chides and write about the latest news. Back then there were other times, when she wasn't working. Now she used the platform as her blog and barely had time to post on it.

Bellisario brought her out of her day dream world when he jumped on the edge of the bathroom tub in a ninja stile taking her by surprise. Her cat was weird, it had a weird obsession with bubbles. He will stay on the edge of the tub every time she took a bath and smash all the soap bubbles with his paw.

She got out of the water covering her still wet body in a fluffy bath robe and let her long, brown hair fell over her shoulders making her way over to her phone that was still playing the shower music mashup on Youtube and paused it. Next step was to get in bed with her laptop on her tummy and Bellisario making himself comfy in her hair. She started to make a blog post entitled One year ago...

It was about one year ago when my life as I knew it started to change... At some point I woke up kind of alone in some situations and I had to adapt. I was very aware that the year to come will be a hard one, but I was determined to deal with the changes in an elegant manner... I even made a plan.

I had all these ideas in my head and there were so many things I wanted to accomplish... I remember planning to learn French or maybe Spanish, take some courses, learn how to play piano, discover some hidden talents, find my creativity, try to be more productive, eat more healthy, exercise more, try new things as often as possible... And, very important, I had about one year to do all this. So far it seems like a good plan, right? I thought so too...

So the "deadline" is almost near and I find myself sitting in bed at 2 AM thinking: What have I done for the past 10 or 11 months?

Now you probably think that I failed successfully and this is why I am sleepless at this hour... That's cute, but it's wrong! :D

I do have to admit that I didn't learn any Spanish and I am still struggling to remember the French I learned in high school. I didn't take any courses and I am still not a piano player. My creativity kicks in from time to time and I am pretty sure very soon (hopefully) I will find my hidden talent.

I did however managed to eat healthier and doing yoga was one the best decisions I have ever made. I can also say this is one of the new things I tried, so I can check that of my list. But my biggest achievement is being patient. I know it doesn't sound like much to you, but I recently discovered that someone who is a master of patience is a master of everything else.

Over the past months I leaned to live in the moment, make peace with the past and stop worrying about the future. Right now is the most important time. I also managed to meet and spend time with some remarkable people. They inspired me, offered me advice and support and brought me that positive energy I needed so much.

So whatever happened over this past year, I am thankful for where it brought me. It's probably exactly where I am supposed to be. From where I stand now, this has been a pretty great year.

Good night! She typed the last sentence and posted it also sharing the blog post on her facebook page and twitter account. She wasn't surprised when the numbers of likes keep popping but one notification manage to catch her attention. It was for her high school crush Julian, never in the time she knew him, has he liked any of her post. It was a first. She even though he wasn't using social media anymore. He got a girlfriend years ago that wasn't so friendly and pretty possessive if she remember well. It made her job of stalking him impossible and soon she got over him, or at least she liked to think she did. Who needs a man, she had Bellisario and he was pretty hard to please most of the time. She got on Julian profile just to see if there was something new. The last time she checked he only had one single picture and it was with Agnes his girlfriend looking all lovey dovey. Surprisingly he just changed his profile picture one hour ago and it was him with a beautiful view behind him. Michelle studied the photo for a little bit to see how much he changed since the last time she had seen him. He looked much older and his golden hair looked some shades darker. His status was Single and it made her think if he and Agnes were still together.

Michelle got the necklace from Rachelle, studding the little, green stone from inside the snowflake charm. She was mesmerized by it.

"I really wish for a magical Christmas filled with love and joy!" Michelle wished still holding the necklace in her hands.


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