Eye of the Beholder pt.3

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<Mark's POV>

"Okay, that..was close" I sighed.

"Hiccup, you alright?" Colin asked. "Yeah, you guys okay?" Hiccup asked. We nodded in response.

"Hiccup, you know I want a shot at this as badly as you, but maybe we should get out of here. We're just sitting ducks in this storm" Fishlegs sighed.

"Wait...Wait. What did you just say?" Hiccup asked. "He said we're sitting ducks. And for once, I agree with him" Snotlout said, rolling his eyes.

"Sitting ducks....Yes, yes! Yes. That's exactly what we need to be" Hiccup said, "YOU WHAT?" Dusk shouted.

"What IF we could make the Snow Wraith think it sees us, when we're not here?" Hiccup said, confusing us.

"You've...lost me" my Ghost said.

"You can make yourself invisible? Why does he get to do all the cool stuff? I just have to sit here with you as a sister" Tuffnut huffed.

"Will you two be quiet for TEN seconds?" Snotlout growled, irritated.

"Tuff's not that far off. Look, the Snow Wraith didn't have any trouble seeing us until Snotlout got buried in the snow. And Gothi said it couldn't find her when she fell into a snow bank. I think that's because it sees body heat in the same way Toothless can find things with sound. We'll use this to our advantage to confuse it. Then, while it's distracted, we'll net it and get that tooth" Hiccup explained.

"And you're SURE it will work?" Astrid asked. "Uhh..."

"Of course not" Dusk muttered.

"I hate you, you know that?" Snotlout sighed. Colin shot him a death glare. "Yes, I am aware of that. All right, gang, let's get to work"

<Colin's POV>

We had managed to put together some dummies, and set them out and were hiding in a cave nearby.

"Pretty good. Now, if I'm right, when we light these on fire, the Snow Wraith will think they're us and attack. Then we'll have the drop on it"

"Wait, wait, wait! Look at how realistically gorgeous my statue is. I can't in good conscience send that into flames" Snotlout said as his dummy's head was blown off by the wind.

"I'll work through the pain and do it for you" Astrid said, rolling her eyes. "Wow...you'd do that for me, Astrid?" Snotlout asked.

"All right, Toothless, light 'em up" Wolf said, petting Toothless on the head as Toothless blasted the dummies, setting them on fire.

"Somewhere in the world...A silent tear was just cried" Snotlout said, sniffing a little.

After a moment I sighed. "Hiccup, I don't think that-" 

The Snow Wraith flew over to the statues as I spoke. "Well shit" I muttered.

"Oh no you did NOT!" Snotlout shouted, as Hookfang's scales lit up on fire and caused most of the cave to melt.

Maverick tried to grab me as the cave's entrance melted and collapsed, he dashed back as Toothless grabbed Hiccup and pulled him out of the way. So now Maverick, Toothless and Hiccup are now out there, and we're trapped in here.

<Hiccup's POV>

"Thanks bud.." I sighed, petting Toothless.

"HOSTILE INBOUND!" Maverick shouted as the Snow Wraith swooped over us.

"If it can see our body heat, then we are too easy a target out here" I said as we ran to the statues that were on fire. "This should even the odds a little. It won't be able to make us out within the heat of these fires. Do your thing, bud" I said as Toothless used his echolocation, but seemed to not find it.

"Nothing, where is he?" I asked.

Maverick's shoulder launcher fired a thing that made the Snow Wraith's outline glow orange.

"FOUND IT" He said.

As Toothless went to attack Gothi ran over to the Snow Wraith and started to hit it with her staff.

"Gothi no!" I shouted as the Snow Wraith grabbed her staff with it's mouth and started to pull her around.

"Toothless, plasma blast! And careful not to hit the crazy little woman with the staff" I shouted as Toothless blasted the Snow Wraith, which made it drop Gothi, then a fireball it it.

"OH YEAH! That's right. Snotlout got us out of the snow!" I heard Snotlout shout.

"And YOU got us buried in there in the first place!" Dusk shouted back.

 "Well we got it surrounded, someone get the tooth!" Jack said.

The Snow Wraith flew away. "No No! We can't lose it!"

"Actually, he lost us" Tuffnut said, "Hiccup, we need to get out of here while we still can!" Colin said, walking over.

"Not yet, this isn't over-" I started, Gothi tapping my shoulder. "Not now, Gothi...Gang we came here for a Snow Wraith tooth and I-I..I said not now Gothi-" I said, Gothi hitting me in the head with her staff and pointing to a tooth in the staff.

"Oh....OH! A tooth!"

<Colin's POV> <Later>

So, after risking our lives getting the tooth, it didn't bloody work.

SO, once we got back to Hiccup's room after a WHOLE DAY of trying to make it do SOMETHING.

"All right..That's it, I'm calling it a night. Maybe tomorrow we can make it work" Hiccup yawned.

I took my helmet and gear off and sat on the bed.

As Toothless was firing up his stone slab-bed-thing, the Dragon Eye glowed a faint purple.

"Huh? You see that?" I asked. "Yeah.."

I grabbed the Dragon Eye. "Toothless come here, do that again bud, give me a low flame" Hiccup told the sleepy looking Toothless.

Toothless breathed a low flame into the Dragon Eye and it projected a..Map? onto the wall.

"Whoa...This changes...Everything"

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