Imperfect Harmony Pt. 2

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<Colin's POV>

Sighing, I tried my helmet radio. Only static came through. "Fucking hell..." I growled. "Where could he have gone?" I muttered.

"Colin..Are you-" Jack started, I cut him off. "No, I'm not okay. Maverick is missing!" I shouted, startling everyone.

"Can you NOT maybe give us away?" Snotlout growled. I went to punch him, Hiccup grabbed my arm to stop me, I sighed and lowered my arm back to my side.

"How are you all so calm about this?" I asked. Hiccup looked at me. He went to respond when he was cut off by the strange...Roar...Sound from yesterday.

"Damn it.." Jack muttered. 

After a moment some fog rolled into the area.

"Uh Hiccup.." "I know, Fishlegs, no longer amazing.." Hiccup responded.

"Can we get a vote for creepy and weird?" Snotlout asked as he raised his hand, Ruff and Tuff also raised their hand.

"This damned forest feels like it goes on forever.." I said, looking around before tripping over something. 

Hiccup walked over and helped me up. "You ok?" he asked "Yeah..Physically anyway.." I responded before we realised what I tripped on was a bone.

The fog lifted revealing the area to be a boneyard. We all gasped for a second, everyone but me, Wolf and Mark.

"The hell?" Dusk said. "Are these what I think they are..?" Fishlegs asked. "Weirdly shaped white rocks" Tuffnut said, Dusk elbowed him in the side. "Dragon bones.." Hiccup said.

"Ah, a boneyard, yes I like it" Tuffnut said, I punched him. "OW! Ok I don't like it!" he quickly said. I rolled my eyes.

I walked further and my boot touched something, I looked down and saw amber. "Huh, guys look at this" I said as I crouched down to it and tapped it. "Okay, and?" Snotlout retorted, I rolled my eyes. "This stuff doesn't just appear. Something either left it here or made it" I responded.

After a second we heard something, it sounded like it was from a dragon. "What was that?" Dusk asked. "That my friend is a dragon in trouble" Fishlegs responded.

I took out a Pulse Blade out and tossed it at the ground, it activated and it scanned around the area, then the outlines of dragons laying on the ground behind some trees. "This way" I said as I started to walk. We reached a opening, the dragons were all trapped in amber. After a second we spotted everyone's dragons. Along with BT and Maverick. Who were also stuck in amber.

"Guys look!" I called out, everyone ran over. "BT what the hell happened?" Jack asked. BT went to respond when the strange roar rang out behind us. "Shit.." Wolf muttered as we slowly turned around. "I think that's what happened" Mark said. Pointing to a massive yellow dragon.

"Think we should be running?" Wolf asked. I nodded. "Wait, we can't just leave them here!" Hiccup said. "Everyone! Get to your dragons and Titans, we have to get them free!" He added, we ran over and tried to get them free.

I pulled out a thermite grenade and stuck it to the amber, it went off and shattered the amber. I then quickly embarked Maverick. I looked up and saw the dragon go to shoot at Hiccup, I quickly grabbed him. I quickly noticed that everyone else was trapped in amber. "PILOT, WE SHOULD RETREAT. NOW" Maverick said, I nodded and we swapped loadouts. Maverick's hatches opened and we placed Hiccup on my lap. "Colin what are you doing!?" he asked as the hatches closed, I then ran to a cliff.

I jumped off the cliff and landed at the bottom. "Sorry Hiccup, we..Didn't stand much of a chance" I sighed. "We need to go back, now" he said. With a almost uncharacteristic sternness that I would normally see in squad leaders.

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