Eye of the Beholder Pt 2

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<Hiccup's POV>

"Dagur.." I muttered under my breath.

"I definitely missed you, every day...For THREE years I thought about you"

Toothless growled, glaring at Dagur. "And..you too, Mr Night Fury" Dagur added.

"And I see you've got some new friends! How lovely!" Dagur said, sarcasm in his voice. "What do you want?" Colin growled.

"Shut it, we're having a moment!" Dagur barked at Colin. "No we are NOT having a moment" I sighed.

"Anyways, I thought you would like to know..this.." Dagur said, stepping to the side, EVERYONE was either in cages, or in the case of the two Titans, metal nets which had lightning arcing around it.

"Maverick!" Colin said, Maverick's eye looked up at us.

"Hiccup!" Astrid called over. "I'm so sorry, he got the drop on us while we were searching" Astrid continued.

"Uh, quiet! Can't you see my brother and I ARE having a moment?" Dagur sighed. "Wait brother?" Colin muttered.

"Again, we are NOT having a moment, and your definitely NOT my brother" I told him.

"Oh...Well...I was, anyways look at you! All grown up! Never thought you'd be a man's guy. Hmm?" Dagur said, it took me a moment to realise what he meant.

"Wha- NO!" I shouted back. Feeling embarrassed.

"Shut the fuck up and what do you want?!" Colin snarled, taking a..what he called a rifle, out and aiming at him.

"Well, DUH he wants the jewels" Snotlout...who was wearing a ridiculous wig?

"He's not getting MY...and well, yours too, Ruffnut..OUR family's jewels, no way! And I will protect them at all costs!" Tuffnut said.

"Also, the hell is with the hair?" Dusk asked, "Ha! It's ROYAL HAIR, I'll have you know!" Snotlout responded.

Most of us, including Dagur sighed. "Well...Anyway yes, I'll take the jewels, his too" 

A guard hit Ruffnut, who let out a muffled responce that sounded like 'Watch it, pal!'

The guard laughed and as he did so Ruffnut spat a jewel into the guard's mouth, making him gag.

"Oops, thought that was the guy. Never can tell with those two. And I'll also take whatever it is you're hiding behind your back, Come on, hand it over like a good boy. Brothers share, you know" Dagur said.

I sighed and handed the object we found in the ship to him. "You KNOW you wont get far with that thing, right?" I asked.

"Oh boy, here we go. Must we always do the same dance, Hiccup, you and I? Not that your not a fabulous dancer" Dagur smirked, Toothless growled. "Easy bud...Not yet" I said to him.

"That's right Mr Night Fury, today is not the day. But it's coming! And soon. Now, if you'll excuse me. I've got people to see, a army to build, revenge to plot. Ooh, so much to do and so little time! Isn't this exciting, Hiccup?! You...You must have been SO bored over the last three years"

"Yeah...He's got a point about that, not enough explosions" Tuffnut muttered.

"Alas, my time here has come to a end. Farewell, for now, brother. Until we meet again on the field of battle" Dagur said as he went back to his ship and sailed away.

I ran over to the cage with everyone in it. Colin tried shooting the lock. "PILOT, YOU NEED TO STOP HIM" Maverick said to Colin. "But-"

"Look, if he thinks it will help, he shouldn't have it!" Jack said.

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