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"It's been 4 hours and he hasn't even moved?" Seokjin asked, referring to the passed-out superhero on the bottom bunk. Taehyung eyed Seokjin's arm sling with distaste.

Jimin sighed and shrugged. "Yeah." His eyes traveled to the upper bunk, where Jungkook was asleep, one of his arms hanging off the side. "And I can't exactly leave, 'cause Jungkook isn't awake yet. God, my mom's gonna kill me."

"Tell her you had a project for your hardest class," Seokjin suggested. "She'll buy it."

"Already texted her, but she's pissed I missed dinner." Jimin turned to Taehyung. "How are you?"

Taehyung blinked. "Why are you asking me? I'm not injured."

"I know," he said, "but with how Jungkook practically passed out in worry and how you ran over to the hospital..." he shrugged. "Seeing your oldest sibling in danger isn't too easy, I guess."

"We really should wake Jungkook up," Seokjin said after a moment of silence.

Jimin grimaced. "But he's sleeping so peacefully..."

"Yes, but you need to get home," said Seokjin.

Jimin shrugged. "I can wait."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and climbed the ladder of the bunk bed. He shook Jungkook's leg. "Wake up."

Jungkook lifted his head slowly, eyes half closed and hair sticking up in all directions. "Mm? Hyung?"

"Yes," said Taehyung, though he was unsure which hyung Jungkook thought he was, "wake up."

Jungkook sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What'd I miss?"

"Seokjin hyung is back and Namjoon is still unconscious," Taehyung said. He climbed back down the ladder, watching as Jungkook followed.

"Seokjin hyung," Jungkook said. He fixed his glasses and blinked the sleep out of his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright, kid." Seokjin gestured to his slinged arm. "Just a bit banged up."

Jungkook nodded, and glanced at the bottom bunk, before asking, "What time is it?"

"10," Jimin answered.

"It's 9:56—" Taehyung corrected, only to be interrupted.

"Oh, no! Jimin hyung, you've been here this whole time?"

Jimin shrugged. "Yeah."


"Kook, apologize for getting some rest, and I will beat you up," Jimin warned, though there was no real threat in his words. "It's fine, really. I just gotta go home now. Call me if Namjoon—"

He was interrupted by a groan of pain. Everyone turned around to see Namjoon shifting in the bed, screwing his eyes shut.


Jungkook was quick to react. He rushed over to Namjoon's side. "Hyung? Are you awake?"

Namjoon let out another groan. "Lights... too bright..."

Jimin switched off the lights, leaving the room in darkness except for the dim glow coming from the window. Everyone joined Jungkook, encouraging Namjoon to open his eyes.

Namjoon opened them for a second, then shut them immediately. "Hurts," he mumbled.

Jungkook made a pained sound in the back of his throat. Taehyung wished to comfort him, having been in this exact position before, but didn't know how. So he resorted to brushing his fingers gently across Jungkook's arm.

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