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Seokjin could feel something in the air.

Maybe it was premonition, the feeling that something bad was about to happen. Maybe it was fear, because, even though he hated to admit it: he was afraid.

Maybe it was the kid next to him vaping at the bus stop.

Seokjin scrunched his nose and tried not to inhale. He knew this guy; his name was Hanwoo, and he was Seokjin's friend up until a few years ago when he got into some... bad habits. Not that Seokjin liked to judge anyone, but he knew he didn't want to be around bad influences. They weren't on bad terms; they just didn't talk. But, seriously, who vaped at a bus stop?

The only reason Seokjin was even at the bus stop was because he'd gotten grounded by his parents for talking back the day they found out that Seokjin and Taehyung were on a superhero team. They couldn't do anything to actually stop the two from hanging out with Team Persona, so last week, they took away Seokjin's motorcycle and Taehyung's laptop. Seokjin had just stuck his tongue in his cheek to try and stop himself from saying something he'd regret. Taehyung was confused on why they'd take his laptop when he had to study.

"My laptop," Taehyung had said. "Why are you taking it?"

Their father hadn't answered, only grunted as he grabbed the device and left Taehyung's room. Seokjin stood at the doorway, rolling his eyes once the man was gone. Their mother remained inside, saying to Taehyung: "You're losing your privileges for at least a month. Seokjin can't ride his motorcycle and you don't get your laptop."

"What for?"

Seokjin stifled a laugh when his mother turned red.

"What for?" She repeated. "You refuse to listen to us! We told you not to get involved in this superhero business and you still went and met with your 'friends.'"

She earned a long stare from Taehyung. Then he had said, "I need my laptop to study for finals."

"Bullshit. You don't need to study."

Taehyung furrowed his brows and looked at Seokjin. "I didn't know that I could take finals without studying."

Seokjin just grinned as his mom turned to leave. "You'll do fine on your finals. Just get to school a little early and use their computers, yeah?"

That was the reason that he was here alone---Taehyung had gone to school earlier in the morning to study before his final today. Seokjin would have gone with him, but his bed was just too comfortable to get out of.

The rest of the team had their finals as well, except for Yoongi, who was in the same year as Seokjin. They were still required to go to school for attendance, but those who had graduated usually just chilled in their homerooms for the whole day.

"Yo, Seokjin." As Hanwoo spoke, Seokjin got another whiff of whatever he was vaping.

"Mhm?" Seokjin responded neutrally, subtly taking a few steps to the side. Hanwoo didn't seem to notice.

"I saw your little bro talking to some of those kids this morning."


"Y'know, those kids who bullied him in middle school. They stopped him on the street and I saw him talking to them."

Seokjin was immediately on alert, his back straightened and his full attention on Hanwoo's next words. "Well, what did they say to him? Did you hear?"

Hanwoo shook his head. "Nah, man. I didn't hear anything. They didn't, like, attack him or anything though. Just a convo, I guess."

"...Thanks for telling me," Seokjin said calmly, although inside he was full of panic. What did those kids want with Taehyung? They went to the highschool across the neighborhood. Maybe they had just bumped into him, but what could they have talked about? Did they even recognize him?

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