1-New dormmate

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"Bloody hell!"

Of all the scenarios Harry had  imagined what stepping into his new dorm room would be like, this was not one of them. Apparently, his new roommate was some kind of sex freak. He had walked in on two complete strangers naked. His eyes had landed on a gorgeous ass when he opened the door. The ass belonged to an even more gorgeous guy busy fucking a girl doggy style. This was embarrassing! Better play it cool.

"What the fuck man!" The guy with the gorgeous ass shouted.

Harry immediately looked away from that ass and met his eyes instead. His eyebrows were wrinkled and he looked pissed. Hot as hell.

"Hi. I'm Harry. Your new roommate."
He mentally faceplanted. Way to go!

The girl tried to hide underneath the covers. The guy didn't seem to give a fuck about being naked in front of him. Interesting.

"Well, fuck off Harry. Didn't you see the sock on the door?" the guy growled.

Wow, did people actually do that? Harry couldn't help but smirk.
"Missed it."

The girl opened her mouth to talk for the first time since he entered the room.
"Can you at least turn around so I can get dressed?"

That made him smile.
"Don't worry sweetheart. I play for the other team, but of course."

The guy gasped and pulled the blanket up to finally cover himself. Harry rolled his eyes.
"Don't flatter yourself. You're not my type."

That seemed to offend him. He huffed in annoyance.
"I'm everybody's type!"

Harry let out a dry chuckle.
"Apparently not, love." he winked at the hot guy. He totally was but he didn't have to know that.

The guy was eyeing Harry up and down with an angry frown. Harry turned around so the girl could get dressed. She was out the door with a "bye Louis" in a couple of seconds. Louis? It suited him. When Harry turned around again Louis had put on a pair of boxers. Harry couldn't help but stare at him. Their eyes met. Louis was still angry.

"Hey creep! Don't touch my stuff and don't talk to me unless you have to. Okay?"

Harry stayed quiet. An amused smirk played on his lips.

Louis crossed his arms and stared back at him. Harry reflected over his eye color. They were blue. Like really blue. Beautiful.

Louis huffed.
"I asked if you got it or was it too much info to process?" He raised an eyebrow.

Bloody Hell. Harry kept the smirk on his lips.
"I didn't know if I was allowed to answer you. You know, the whole 'don't talk to you unless I have to'-speech..." He raised one eyebrow as well to challenge him.

Harry could see Louis' eyes glitter with humor but he hid it well behind a frown. Harry couldn't believe this was their first introduction to each other. Way to go Harry! Bad idea to argue with your roommate at first sight. You're supposed to live with the guy. Yeah, well, he was the one who welcomed him with his bare ass in sight. Who does that? He must have known Harry was moving in. Why have sex then?
Fuck! He never argued with people.

"I really don't like you." Louis finally said.

"The feeling's mutual." Harry retorted.

That made Louis smile.
"Good. Then we have established that. Now, fuck off! "

Harry growled. He was so fucking rude.
"You wish."

Louis rolled his eyes but stayed quiet. He started to dress himself instead.
Harry was amused. His eyes got stuck on that marvelous ass again.

"Hey! Don't get any ideas. I'm straight!"

Harry's eyes snapped up. He felt a little embarrassed about getting caught.
"Great, I'm living with a homophobe. Told you, not my type. Nice ass tho!" he winked.

Louis took a few steps closer until he was right in his face. Louis looked up at him, fuming with anger. He might be shorter than him but fuck he was intimidating.
"Never fucking call me that again. I'm not homophobic! My best friend's gay. Do you fucking get it? Never again."

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise, that was not how you... never mind he got the point. Interesting.

Louis stared him down a while longer before he turned around and put his hoodie on. That was intense! Harry felt really bad but he didn't make an effort to apologize. Louis thought he was a dickhead anyway and he didn't blame him. A sorry wouldn't change Louis' mind. He couldn't believe they had such a bad start!

He turned around with a sigh and started to unpack his stuff. They didn't say a word to each other for an hour. Louis was laying in his bed flipping through his phone. He didn't even spare him as much as a glance.
When Harry finally had folded the last t-shirt and put it away in the closet he decided to take a quick shower before bed. He picked up a new pair of boxers and headed to their shared bathroom.

Twenty minutes later he had showered, blow-dried his hair, and brushed his teeth. He came out of the bathroom wearing only his boxers. At least he had the decency to put something on. He usually slept naked but he didn't think Louis would appreciate that. Louis looked up when he entered the room and his eyes roamed over his body. Harry didn't think he was aware of his actions. He stopped in the middle of the room and folded his arms over his chest and looked at Louis with an amused smirk. Louis' eyes traveled from his chest down his stomach and stopped at his crotch. Harry almost blushed from the way Louis was checking him out. Straight huh? He decided to clear his voice.

Louis' eyes met his and Harry raised an eyebrow. Louis immediately looked away and his cheeks turned pink.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Harry couldn't help but tease him.

"You have girly tattoos." Louis answered snappily without looking at him.

"I don't remember asking your opinion about my tattoos." Harry felt irritated. What the hell was his problem?

Louis just shrugged his shoulders and didn't bother to meet his eyes again. He stood up and walked to the bathroom and slammed the door. Harry dragged a hand through his hair in a frustrated motion. He decided to go to bed early. It was better to sleep than to have to deal with a strange and moody Louis. He crawled into bed and laid on his back to stare at the ceiling.

Louis came out of the bathroom in his boxers. Harry couldn't help but throw him a quick glance. Damn, he was fit. He regretted it in an instant when he saw Louis knowing smirk.

Louis went to bed and turned his light off. Harry closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"I'll smother you in your sleep if you snore." Louis suddenly said.

Harry couldn't help but chuckle.
"Yeah? Right back at you roomie."

Louis snorted and turned around in his bed so he was facing the wall. Harry stared at his back for a while before he once again closed his eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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