7-Fun together

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When Harry opened his eyes the next morning the first thing he saw was a pair of beautiful blue eyes watching him.
"Good morning." Harry wondered which Louis he would meet this morning. Angry Louis? Sad Louis?

Louis grinned at him.
"You were laying so still I thought I'd killed you with mindblowing sex."

Harry choked on air and started to cough. Louis' grin grew bigger.
"I have to take a wee, move please." Louis winked.

Harry stood up. He was really confused. What kind of Louis was this?

Louis got up from the bed and winced from the pain.
"Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and a camel! My ass!"

Harry couldn't help but chuckle. Louis turned to face him with a smirk.
"Yes, Harold. You have a huge penis. Congratulations."

Harry burst out laughing and Louis followed him. So this was funny Louis? Funny Louis was awesome!

The laughter died out and Louis' eyes were sparkling with humor.
"You need to help me to the bathroom before I wet myself."

Harry crossed his arms over his chest and answered amused.
"I don't recall you helping me when I was in the same situation a couple of weeks ago."

Louis rolled his eyes playfully.
"Your dick's bigger than mine."

Harry started to laugh again. He couldn't believe this was the conversation they had the morning after and they were both completely naked as well and had dried cum on them.
"Maybe, but it's still really big." He winked.

Louis blushed lightly but grinned at Harry.
"Well thank you for the compliment babycakes. Are you gonna help me now or do you have some kind of pee kink we need to talk about?"

Harry let out something between a snort and a laughter and quickly covered his mouth.

Louis pretended to dry away sweat from his forehead. "Phew!"

He smirked again.
"So how are we doing this? Should I lean against you?"

Harry rolled his eyes and picked up Louis bridal style in one quick motion. Louis squealed in surprise.
"Put me down, Harry!"

Harry smiled down at him while he walked to the bathroom.

"I'm not some fucking damsel in distress." Louis chuckled but he put his arms around his neck and leaned against his chest.

"Of course you are sweet cheeks." Harry winked with a dimpled smile.

Louis stared at the dimples in awe.
"You have dimples? How come I haven't discovered this until now?"

Harry let out a dry chuckle.
"Ehrm, because we usually fight and argue? No need for dimple smiles then."

"Uhm, yeah. I'm sorry about that." Louis answered apologetically.

Harry searched his eyes to see if he actually meant that. He found what he was looking for.
"I'm sorry too."

They had arrived and he put Louis down gently in front of the toilet. He turned to walk away and give Louis some privacy but Louis called him back.
"Hey! You've seen my asshole up close. I think you'll survive hearing me take a piss. You have to help me in the shower. I'm like sticky and gross."

Harry shook his head. This was the real Louis? He was intrigued.


He waited by the door while Louis relieved himself. Louis flushed and took a limping step towards the sink to wash his hands. Harry put the water on in the shower and turned around to wait for Louis. Their eyes met through the mirror.

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