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Harry woke up from an annoying sound. He sighed and opened his eyes to see Louis doing push-ups on the floor next to his bed. He grunted every time he pushed down and his back was covered in sweat. The combination of Louis' delicious sounds and his sweaty body flexing traveled right down to his lower regions. Fucking hell! He turned to the side and checked the time on his phone. 05.11.

"Are you fucking serious? It's five in the morning, Louis!" Harry shouted angrily and rubbed his eyes in frustration.

Louis looked up with a smirk.
"So? Have to keep in shape. Football scholarship."

Harry sat up and threw his pillow at him and hit his head. "Five!" He fell back in bed with a grunt.

Louis looked really pleased with himself. He did ten more push-ups before he jumped to his feet.
"Rise and shine babycakes! I'm gonna hit the shower."

"Babycakes?" Harry laughed.

Louis grinned at him.
"Suitable nickname but I can always call you dickhead if you prefer it."

Harry rolled his eyes in response.

Louis raised an eyebrow at the nickname. He chuckled and walked to the bathroom. Harry tried to fall asleep again but gave up after a couple of minutes. He got up from the bed and walked to the pantry. He hadn't bought any food yet but decided to eat Louis' as revenge for the early wake-up. He looked through the cabinet and the only thing he found was an almost empty box of cereals. Louis was probably a shitty cook. He poured the cereals into a bowl and took the last milk as well. He was still in his boxers but he wanted to see if Louis would check him out again. He leaned against the sink and started to eat, waiting for Louis' reaction. He felt really mean for eating Louis' last cereals but reminded himself that Louis woke him up at five on purpose.

Louis came out of the bathroom five minutes later with a towel around his waist. He stopped in his tracks and once again his eyes traveled over Harry's body. Then it was like he caught up with his own actions and his eyes snapped up to meet his. Harry was amused. Louis' eyebrows furrowed when he noticed the bowl in Harry's hand.

"Don't fucking tell me you're eating MY cereals?"

Harry gave him a fake grin.
"Sharing is caring Louis."

"That was the last of it!" Louis shouted. Harry shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat.

Louis let out a bunch of swearing words and stomped to his closet to take out a pair of boxers. He had his back turned to Harry and simply dropped the towel to get dressed. Harry choked on the food and started to cough when he got a good look at Louis' naked arse. Louis turned his head to give him a brief glance. His lips were turned in an ironic smirk. He bent down to put the boxers on and the sight made Harry's breath hitch. He turned around to hide his blush and the semi that was happening in his boxers and started to wash the dishes. He could hear Louis chuckle behind him. Well, two could play that game. Harry took a deep breath and finished the washing up. He waited until he was soft again before he turned around. He let out a yawn and stretched his arms and made sure to flex his sixpack in the process. He could hear Louis gulp and hide his smile as he looked at him.
"Are you okay there sweetcheeks?" He asked with an innocent voice.

Louis met his eyes shortly before he looked away with blushed cheeks and started to pull down a t-shirt. He mumbled a "dickhead" before he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. Harry watched him go with a grin. Louis might think he was straight but his actions said otherwise. Too bad he was a douchebag.


Harry was excited to check out the campus and look up his classes for the year. Going to the University was something he had looked forward to. He wouldn't let the situation with his roommate destroy that. Hopefully, he would find some friends soon.

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