3-Sexual tension

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Harry once again woke up early when Louis repeated his workout routine at five in the morning.
"You must be fucking kidding me!" He growled and glared at a very amused Louis who grinned at him while doing push-ups.

"Good morning babycakes!"

Harry put his pillow over his face and screamed into it.

"I think you should get some help for your anger issues." Louis smirked.

Harry tried to ignore him and turned to face the wall. Louis started singing a Backstreet Boys song. Harry thought that he actually had a nice singing voice but not at five o'clock in the morning.

"I swear to God Louis if you don't shut up right now I'll make your life miserable."

"You're already doing that." Louis smirked and continued to sing.

Harry got out of bed and stomped to the bathroom. He slammed the door behind him and locked it. He turned the shower on with a deep sigh and pulled down his boxers. He climbed into the shower and sat down with his back against the wall.

Louis knocked at the door twenty minutes later.
"Harry! Hurry up! I need to take a shower."

Harry smirked. This is how he would get even. He stood up and started shampooing his hair slowly.

Louis banged on the door a couple of minutes later.

"Sorry sweet cheeks. I have just started. It takes time to look as pretty as me."

"Yeah, for some of us it just comes naturally. Hurry up or I'm coming in." Louis shouted.

"You wouldn't." Harry replied.

"Try me!" Louis growled.

Harry smirked and continued putting conditioner in his hair.

When he had been in the shower for 40 minutes Louis banged on the door for the third time.
"Get out of the fucking shower Harry!"

"Nope." He laughed. The door was locked. Louis wouldn't be able to barge in. Harry started to sing a Fleetwood Mac song while he soaped his body.

The shower curtain was suddenly pulled away and a furious Louis was staring at him.
"What the hell! How did you get in here? I'm naked Louis!" Harry shouted.

"Please, like you have anything to brag about." Louis said ironically. His eyes traveled down to Harry's crotch to make a point. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw how well-hung Harry was.
"Shit! I mean, get out."

Harry laughed at Louis' reaction.

"I need to get to class. Get out!"

Harry didn't answer. He turned his back to Louis and started to scrub his body.

"Fine!" Louis shouted and Harry smirked. He won.

"Move it!" Louis demanded.

Harry turned around again to tell him to sod off but lost his voice. Louis was naked and about to step into the shower with him. What normal person does that?
"What the hell Louis!" He blurted out.

"Move over!" Louis demanded.

Harry quickly washed the last of the soap off his body and stepped out of the shower. He turned around and let his eyes roam Louis' body with a smirk.
"You know, for a straight man you're really desperate to get naked with me."

Louis flipped him the finger.
"In your dreams Harold."

"Thanks for the wanking material, Lewis." Harry winked before he grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom. He could hear Louis inhale sharply and smirked. It looked like he won this round.

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