8-Crashing down

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Another month. That was how long he could keep it up before he finally cracked.

It had been the best and the worst month of his life so far. He woke up in the mornings with Louis in his arms because they fell asleep after sex. He went to his classes wanting the day to go by fast so he could get back to Louis. Sometimes they made out in a bathroom during the day because they couldn't wait until later. He hurried to get back to their dorm and they crashed their lips together as soon as they both were inside. Everything was Louis, Louis, Louis. He couldn't get enough of him. It wasn't healthy. His schoolwork started to suffer. But as soon as he sat down to do his homework Louis just had to look at him in a certain way and that was it. So he made sure to study while Louis was at football practice. As soon as Louis walked in through the door all sweaty and sexy they were at it again.

It wasn't even about the sex, how mindblowing as it was. It was about those times after when they were laying there talking afterward. Or when he woke up before Louis in the morning and watched him sleep. Or when Louis ate a sandwich or when he laughed at a funny YouTube clip. He was like a drug addict and his favorite drug was a blue-eyed boy named Louis. He hadn't received any indications that Louis had it as bad as he did. Louis just enjoyed the sex. All he could think was I love you, I love you, I love you. But he could never say that out loud so he had to end this.

It took him three days to muster enough strength to finally get the words out. Three days of wonderful, heartbreaking sex with Louis. Louis, Louis, Louis. He was gonna have to move out. How was he supposed to be around Louis and not be able to have him? All of him.

He went back to the dorm room after his classes on Thursday. Louis would already be there. He stood outside the door for a long time, trying to make himself cold, before he finally went inside. Louis looked up with a smile as soon as he entered. Don't do that Louis. Please don't.

He went to sit down on his own bed facing Louis instead of walking right up to him like he usually did. Louis' smile faltered and he sat up and looked at him. Harry forced himself to keep a stern look on his face but he didn't meet Louis' eyes.
"I can't do this anymore." It felt like he was dying inside.

"This?" Louis asked.

Harry forced himself to look at him.
"Us...sex..the whole sex buddies thing."

Louis' face fell. He looked small and insecure.
"Oh. Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No. It just doesn't work for me anymore."

Angry Louis was back. He snorted.
"Okay. It's probably for the best."

"Yeah." I love you.

"Dickhead!" Louis stormed out and slammed the door.

Harry closed his eyes. The pain was unbearable. That was it. He curled up in a ball and cried his heart out. Louis didn't question it. He didn't say that they were more than fuckbuddies. Louis didn't love him.

Louis didn't come back. Harry cried the whole night and he skipped school the next day. Friday came and went and Louis was still gone. Harry didn't move from bed other than bathroom breaks.

On Saturday evening he finally got up and hit the shower. Louis couldn't find him like this if he decided to come home. He had to at some point. Right?

He had just rinsed his hair when the shower curtain was ripped open and a furious Louis was staring at him with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Get the fuck out Louis. I can't do this anymore!"

Louis' face softened.

"What's the point?" Harry answered tiredly.

"The point? The point? How could you do this to me, Harry? Fuck, you know how hard this was for me to accept. How scared I was. And you just used me?" Louis dragged a hand through his already messy hair.

Harry let out a dry chuckle.
"Fuckbuddies was your idea. We used each other."

Louis' eyes teared up and Harry's heart clenched. Louis stared down at his feet looking broken and defeated.
"So that's what it all was to you? I thought... I love you. I've been too scared to admit it but I was getting there because I thought you felt it too. I'm so fucking stupid." He was sobbing now with his hands over his face.

It took a minute for Harry to register what Louis had said. When it finally hit him he let out a dry sob and stepped out of the shower to pull Louis into his arms.
"Oh thank God. I love you too."


Harry pulled Louis' hands away and held his cheeks to look him in the eyes. Louis' blue eyes looked back at him through tears and Harry had never seen him so vulnerable. It brought tears to his own eyes.
"I love you too. So much. I didn't think you felt the same way and it broke me. That's the only reason I ended it. You're not stupid Love. I am. I'm so sorry." Harry kissed him like he'd never kissed him before.

He picked him up and carried him into the shower. Louis squealed and broke the kiss.
"I have fucking clothes on smartass!"

Harry laughed before he kissed Louis again. He couldn't get enough. He broke the kiss again just to help him undress and then they made love right there in the shower.


They were laying in bed snuggled up closely. Louis had told him everything about how he had felt and experienced their time together since the first time they met. How confused he had been about the immediate attraction he had felt towards him. How mindblowing the first time they had sex had been and how scared he had felt. How he had fallen in love with him and how much that had shocked him at first. He couldn't get enough of him and Louis continued to tell Harry all the things he loved about him. He had gone to Liam and poured his heart out and Liam had convinced him to go back and ask why Harry had ended it. Harry owed Liam everything.

Harry told Louis how and why he had fallen in love with him and that made Louis cry happy tears.


They told the boys a couple of days later and they were happy for them.
Louis took Harry with him to Doncaster for a weekend to tell his family. He was really nervous but he didn't have to be. Harry was by his side the whole time and Louis' family welcomed him with open arms. They got the same response from his family.

Harry's favorite part of the day was the mornings he woke up before Louis. He just watched the beautiful boy in wonder.  How could he have been so lucky?

The End

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