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It had been three weeks since the game and nothing had changed between him and Louis. It seemed like Louis had pushed it up a notch. He was ruder, more flirty, more touchy, more everything. He was driving him insane.
He had also started to have more sex. The sock on the doorknob was a common view nowadays. Harry spent time with Niall to try and avoid it. Niall was also a really good friend so it wasn't a bad thing. He enjoyed his time with Niall even if the Irish bloke must be fed up with his constant ranting about Louis.

It was a Thursday. Louis had informed him with a smirk that Eleanor was coming over again after he once again had barged into the shower with him because apparently, he was showering too long. Harry had a really hard time keeping his boner down from the sight of Louis' naked, wet body next to him in the shower. Louis had just smirked at him.
"You should really fuck someone Harry. Your dick may fall off from lack of attention."

"For fucks sake Louis! Leave me alone!" Harry shouted and Louis laughed and got out of the shower.

Harry spent some extra time in the shower, desperately wanking off with Louis' naked, wet body in mind before he got out and got dressed. Louis looked up with a knowing smile and that was when he told him that Eleanor was coming over. Harry walked out of the dorm without a word and went straight to Niall's.

Niall gave him one quick glance when he opened the door and laughed.
"What has Louis done now?"

Harry sighed annoyingly and stormed inside. Liam and Zayn were sitting on Niall's bed. They looked up with a smile and greeted Harry who was pacing back and forth.

"So, what's the Louis topic for today?" Zayn winked amused.

"It's just...he...gaaaah! He drives me crazy!" Harry growled.

"We noticed." Liam answered amused. "And we have the same kind of talks with Louis. It's very entertaining."

"I drive him crazy? Not like this." Harry mumbled and dragged a hand through his curls.

"So, what did he do now? Breathe?" Niall smiled.

"I don't know where to start. He's been fighting with me non-stop. And then when we were showering he...just...and then Eleanor." Harry rambled, making little sense.

"Wait, rewind. What do you mean when you were showering?" Zayn asked with an eyebrow raised.

Harry threw his hands up.
"Yeah, that's another thing. He thinks that I take too long in the shower so he barges in. He never gives me any fucking privacy! God, he's impossible!" He was too riled up to notice what he actually was saying.

"What? So he watches you take a shower?" Niall asked both amused and confused.

Harry realized what he had let slip out and awkwardly scratched his neck.
"No...he gets in the shower with me."

Liam let out a laugh.
"What? He gets in the shower with you? Naked?"

"Yes, but that's not the point. The point is that he's so fucking annoying and I fucking live there too! A sock on the door! Why can't they fuck at her place?" Harry growled.

He finally noticed that all three boys were laughing.

Niall was clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.
"I can't...you...him...shower...oh God..."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows.
"You guys aren't helping! You know what? No! That's enough! No more fucking sock on the door. That's my place too." He stormed off without even a goodbye.

Liam shook his head in amusement.
"Louis, Louis, what are you doing to that poor boy?"

Zayn and Niall laughed.

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