6-Caving in

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If Harry thought that the sex would change anything he was wrong. Louis was angrier than he'd ever been. He played along even if it only was half-heartedly. He understood that Louis was hiding behind a facade and took out his confusion and frustration on him. Louis had enjoyed the sex as much as he had and that must have scared him. Harry knew how terrifying it could be when you tried to come to terms with your own sexuality and Louis must be in shock. But he could play the bad guy for a while if that was what Louis needed.

A week had gone by since their last sexual encounter and Louis had stayed away as much as he could. The times they actually spent in their dorm room together were filled with hateful words (mostly from Louis) and a lot of bickering.
Harry caught Louis staring at him with confusion or simply checking him out and Louis blushed and then proceeded to call him a dickhead or something else equally flattering.
Harry was biding his time to put his plan in motion. A plan that he actually thought would help Louis accept that he wasn't straight.

He started slow. Took his clothes off every chance he got. 'Accidentally' brushed his fingers on Louis' bum. Ate a whole bunch of bananas. Everything to get Louis sexually frustrated.

On Wednesday they went out to eat dinner with the boys and Harry made sure he got a seat next to Louis. He was casually talking to the boys when he put a hand on Louis' knee under the table. Louis got stiff and tried to get his hand off but he had a firm grip. Throughout the dinner, he stroked Louis' knee and made circles with his finger. Louis let him. It seemed like he wanted to see where this was going. Soon his hand was at Louis' thigh traveling over to his crotch. Louis had a hard time breathing normally. Harry dragged his fingers over Louis' inner thigh.

Harry was still talking to the boys like nothing was going on. He let out a cough to cover Louis' moan when he finally palmed his crotch. He gripped the outline of Louis' cock and Louis watched him breathlessly. He leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"Imagine all the things I could do to you. You just have to ask."

Louis drew in a sharp breath and his cock twitched under his hand. He gave him one last squeeze and then he removed his hand with a smirk.

He looked up just to see Liam watching them curiously. He put on an innocent face and shot him a smile.

He continued with his teasing. Two days later Louis went to the bathroom to take a shower. He didn't hear him lock the door and smirked. He waited a couple of minutes before he took his clothes off and snuck into the bathroom. Louis had his back turned away and he quickly opened the shower curtain and stepped into the shower. He put an arm around Louis' waist to pull him against his chest. Louis jumped in surprise.
"Jesus Harry! What the fuck are you doing?"

Harry chuckled and pushed his crotch against Louis' bum which rewarded him with a whimper from Louis. He started to suck and nibble on Louis' neck and Louis leaned into his chest and closed his eyes. Harry let his hands travel over Louis' body. He pinched a nipple and made a hickey in the crook of Louis' neck while he pressed his boner against his bum. Louis moaned loudly and his hand came up to twine his hair. Harry always enjoyed a good hair pull.

He let his hand travel down to stroke Louis' cock. He was hard. Harry smirked. He pushed against Louis one last time and sucked on his earlobe before he whispered in his ear.
"Are you gonna ask for it, sweet cheeks?"

Louis was breathing heavily.
"I...damn it....No!"

"Too bad." Harry moved away from Louis and got out of the shower.

Louis spent longer in the shower than he needed. Harry smirked at him when he finally came out of the bathroom. Louis flipped him the finger.


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