5-Is this a thing now?

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He limped out of bed the next morning and Louis chuckled.
"Are you doing okay there babycakes?

He smirked at him.

He managed to get to the bathroom and get through with his morning routine. He limped to the kitchen to get some breakfast and Louis watched him move around seemingly amused.

Their first class started at the same time so they walked together for a change. Harry winced with every step and Louis smirked every time.

They came outside and Harry discovered Niall, Liam, and Zayn standing a couple of feet in front of them.
"Shit!" Louis said beside him.

The boys were watching him limp with amusement.

"Hey, Harry! What have you been up to?" Niall shouted and wiggled his eyebrows.

Harry heard Louis take in a sharp breath and shot him a quick glance. It looked like he was freaking out.

The boys came up to them.
"Naah, I pulled a muscle when I was working out." Harry answered in an innocent voice.

"A butt muscle?" Zayn asked with an eyebrow raised.

Harry chuckled.
"I wish. No thigh muscle. Too many weights."

"Hey, Louis? Are you okay?" Liam asked pensively.

"Yeah, yeah. I Gotta run to class. Bye guys!" Louis walked away.

Liam turned to Harry.

Harry gave him an innocent look.
"There's nothing to spill."

Liam didn't seem to buy it but he didn't push. Harry said goodbye and headed to class.

Louis was waiting for him when the school day was finished. He was pacing back and forth and immediately looked up when Harry opened the door to their room.
"You told them didn't you?"

Harry walked over to him.
"Of course not Louis. I would never do that."

"I will deny it until my dying breath...asshole!" Louis shouted.

"Whatever Louis. I know you loved it." Harry smirked.

"I...I...Go fuck yourself, Harry!" Louis shouted.

"Okay. Whatever you say, Louis." Harry winked at him and Louis stormed into the bathroom. He could hear the shower being turned on. Perfect! Wait? Was he really gonna do this? Yes, Louis needed a reality check.

He quickly removed his clothes and laid down naked on his bed. He opened the top drawer and got the bottle of lube. He covered three fingers with it and started to circle his rim. He grabbed his cock to make it easier for himself. He didn't have that much time to open himself up but he couldn't go too fast considering the mindblowing sex they had last night. He was still a bit sore but hopefully, it would be worth it.

He was nervous about Louis' reaction when he came out of the bathroom. Would he run for the hills, punch him or fuck him? That was the million-dollar question. He felt kind of dirty and this was wrong in so many ways but Louis had told him to go fuck himself so he did.

Without even thinking of it he had pushed two fingers inside and he let out a moan and started to scissor himself. This was really turning him on. He decided to push in a third finger and that almost made him spill over. He paused for a second before he started to push the fingers in and out of himself. His breathing was heavy. This felt great. He moaned again.

"What the hell? What the fuck are you doing?"

He looked up. Louis' eyes were glued to his ass. He looked down at the towel that was covering Louis' lower half and smirked when he saw the tent on display.

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