🍋 |Tokoyami x Shy!Reader|Cravings

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Hah.. my first story welp let's see how this goes, I do take criticism. I know this is probably going to be bad ahhhhh

Your POV

It's the end of a long an groggy day at UA. The day seemed to drag on forever, we had to take a test on hero laws, do a self assessment on our quirks AND Mr. Aizawa made us clean the entire classroom. I shuffled out if my desk and walked out of the classroom when the bell rang. I sighed, relief filling my body. 'Finally' I thought.

I walked down a flight of stairs stopping on the level my locker was on.  It's not like I needed anything from it but I wanted to drop off my notebook. The sky outside was shifting between different shades of grey (hehe get it? 50 shades of grey? Hehehehha.. nevermind) Approaching my locker, I saw a dark figure leaning against it. It was Tokoyami, I saw a light red painted across his face when he saw me.

"Tokoyami what are you doing here?" I asked. We had been friends for a while and I felt my heart rush whenever I saw him. I shyly hid my face with my books. "I just came to talk to you (Y/N), and also I was wondering..." Thoughts instantly flooded my head. 'Oh no, did I do something wrong? Oh God what if he hates me ahhhh' "I was wondering if you would like to come over to my dorm, if you w-want to that is, I-i made some cookies just for you.." His voice decresended as he finished that sentence. Although his feathers were black I could still see a hard blush on his face. My face was also tomato red. I buried my head into my jacket and nervously spoke "Yeah of course I-I wou-ld love t-t-oo" Tripping over every word you I put my books back into my locker and walked out the door beside him.

  Thy sky's seem to fall with each raindrop splattering on the concrete. "Ah, I forgot my umbrella.." I spoke quietly to myself but it seems he heard me, "We can share!" He spoke up suddenly taking me by surprise. He jolted realizing what he just said "I-I mean would you like to share my umbrella?" He asked. I nodded my head, My face seeming to heat up by the minute.

I could hear the raindrops hitting the umbrella that Dark Shadow was holding for us. I looked at the rain, it seemed so beautiful, like small diamonds hitting the ground. I felt something touch my hand slightly, then it got even closer to my hand. I looked down curiously, Tokoyami's hand intertwined with mine. I blushed nervously. 'I've never held hands with anyone I don't know what to do what do I do?' my thoughts rushed as I held his hand back out of instinct. I looked up at him, he was smiling.

Right as we were in front of his dorm he stopped walking and so did I. He closed the umbrella then his hand tightened around mine as he got in front of me and looked me in the eye. My face heated up once again, now both of my hands were in his. "(Y/N) there's something I need to tell you" He stepped closer to me. Butterflies spawned in my stomach and started to have a rave. "What is it Tokoyami?" I asked. He leaned closer to me and closed his eyes, I closed mine and followed his pattern. I could feel my hair fluttering through the icy winds. I felt the lips of his beak touch my lips and they felt... Soft. Not like a birds beak but like a pair of human lips. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist kissing me passionately. I put my hands on his chest and kissed him back. The butterflies in my stomach were jamming out to (insert fast paced song here). He pulled back, his red eyes interlocked with mine. "I-I love you (Y/N).." "I love you too Tokoyami!" He pulled me back in for another kiss, this time it was rather rough. His hands rubbed my back going down lower and lower. I felt his tongue run along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth for him to gain access. It was a weird feeling, his tongue intertwining with mine, exploring every little inch of my mouth but for some reason I craved more. His hands traveled down and grabbed my ass causing me to gasp. He pulled away from the heated kiss and picked me up bridal style.

"T-Tokoyami.." "Shhh, it's okay baby." He whispered softly to me. He opened his dorm room and locked the door firmly behind him. He pushed me down on his bed softly, hovering over top of me. His leg was in-between mine and up my skirt. My wrists were held hostage by his hands pressing them against the bed. I felt completely exposed and blushing the color of a strawberry. "You have no idea how long I've been craving this (Y/N)~" he spoke to me in a husky voice. His knee came into contact with my panties, causing me to moan softly. "Mm~ I-" I was interrupted by his knee grinding against my clothed clit. "Hah...ah T-Tokoyami ahh m-mm!" I bit my lip trying to prevent my rather loud moans. "No sweetheart, I want to hear your moans and cry's of pleasure, it's music to my ears" I obligated and moaned in a shaky voice as he kept grinding his knee against me. His hands traveled down my waist and up my shirt, tracing lines softly on my skin. He ran his fingers up and down my waist and ribs. I arched my back and moaned, pleading for more. He leaned down and nipped at my neck causing me to jolt up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gripped at his uniform. I was a moaning mess. His knee increased in speed causing me to buck my hips towards it. I wrapped my legs around his leg, begging for his knee to go faster. "Ahh T-Tokoyami I'm c-lose" I felt his hands trace up to my boobs and gripped them strongly, his younger traced my neck and collarbone, occasionally nipping my neck, leaving small marks. "I-Im going to come!" I moaned out a knot in my stomach forming. His knee stopped and rested in between my legs. "Not yet babygirl, I'm not done" He started to pull my shirt off and looked at me for my content, I nodded and he pulled my shirt off. "God, you look so gorgeous~". I blushed and tugged at his sleeve "C-Can you take off yours too?" I managed. He chuckled and smiled sweetly. "Anything for you my Queen~"

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