🍋Kinky!Shoji x Reader|Tied

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Aye bruh low-key while writing this I was questioning if Shoji- could grow dicks out of his arm like it's a serious question tho.. Anyways this is going to be kinky, very kinky. Btw currently writing this in company of my family. Also I'm going straight to the smut bc I'm horny for fictional characters but not real life people (I'm asexual and yes, I can still be attracted to fictional characters)
Kinks: Bondage, Choking, Male dominance, Lingere.

  (Y/N) POV

  My boyfriend Shoji and I were just hanging out in his dorm, having a small study session together when I guess he had gotten bored. His hand rubbed up my thigh and squeezed it. I blushed and let out a small noise. He pushed me onto his large bed and took his mask off, kissing me passionately, stroking my tongue with his own. The top set of arms pressed my hands above my head. His lower arms caressed the space in-between my thighs and then spread them apart from eachother. My breath hitched as he disconnected our lips and pressed then against the tender skin of my neck, sucking greedily at the skin making me moan and arch my back. His middle set of arms grabbed a rope, tying my hands to the headrest of the bed. He tore off my clothes, revealing the white Lingere I knew he loved. He licked his lips and looked at me with lust reflecting off of him. His eyes ran up and down my body taking it all in. I blushed and squirmed, begging for him to touch me. His hands began to rub up my thighs again and another set grabbed each a handful of the flesh that were attached to my chest. His knuckle pressed against the outside of my panties, rubbing against my clit making me buck my hips toward him.

"Sh-Shoji!" I moaned out

He attached his lips to my neck once again, running his tongue, seeking for the spot that made me squeal ecstasy. He bit down on that spot making me tilt my head so he could get better access. His fingers slid past my panties and rubbed up and down my slit teasing me.

"You're so wet my dear~" He was a man of very few words, so when he talked to you in this tone, it turned on your horny switch to max.

   His fingers massaged my entrance and his breath ran along my neck.

"Please Shoji! I need you!" I cried out.

He then rubbed my clit faster causing me to squirm and moan under his melting touch. He pressed a large finger inside of me, my back arching as my fingers grasped onto the bedsheets.

  "Hyaaa! Mmm~" Soft moans escaped my lips, his finger rubbing against my walls.

  He slowly pushed another finger into me, stretching me out. I tried desperately to try to get our of my restraints but all I could do was mess up the bedsheets with my needy fingers. His thumb worked my clit as his two fingers curled inside of me, hitting all the right spots to make me react in way that pleasure him the most. The bulge in his pants grew painfully large. He pressed his lips against mine, intertwining our tongues, performing a soft dance of two partners. His tongue exploring all the angles of my mouth making sure to savor every inch of it. His fingers scissored me making me cry into his mouth. I tried to grind my hips against his hand to create more pleasure. He slammed the fingers in and out of me causing my head to hit the bedframe lightly.

"Shoji!! Right there a-hahhh~" His fingers thrusted roughly, hitting my g spot with great speed.

  I felt like I was about to explode, a knot grew in my stomach with each twist of his fingers. He grew an extra mouth off the end of his hand and it started sucking on my clit, pleasuring me further. I tried to press myself against it but it didn't work thanks to my restraints.

"Shoji I'm going to cum~ mmmmhm!! Please I-Im about to.. AHH!" I came intensely onto his already soaking fingers, my juices dripped onto his bedsheets. He didn't seem to care.

  The mouth on his arm cleaned up all the cum around my thighs, hungrily lapping it all up. Shoji untied my hands and sat me on his lap against the wall. His bulge grinded against my slit, I moaned loudly in his ear and tugged his shirt off of him. He was very well built, 7"1, muscular and loving. He was perfect. I gave him a kiss as he kept grinding me against his bulge, my juices dripping on his clothed boner.

  He slid his pants and boxers off and pressed his tip into me, lowering me down onto him. I gasped and gripped at his hair, tugging in pain. He slowly slide his entire length into me, he was huge, the veins of his cock were squeezed by my tight walls. Once I has gotten used to him, he slowly lifted me up and down.

"Hyaaa!! Sh-Shoji!! You're so bigg!" I moaned out in a high-pitched squeal.

  He grabbed my waist and lifted me up and down, thrusting into me faster and faster. I felt like I was being used as a sex toy, his large hands lifting me up and down in his huge cock, fucking me breathless. A stream of drool came out of my mouth as he slammed me against the wall, grabbing my throat and choking me while fucking me wildly. I never knew he could get to be like this, he was damn sexy and kinky. I had always thought he would be shy..

  His cock lavished my tight, soaking walls with pleasure with every rough thrust into my small body. His hands around my throat causing me difficulties to breathe. I felt another bulge press against me, his nub from his tentacle like arms rubbed against my clit, causing me to squirt out warm liquid all over it. Shoji kept fucking me though. He left marks all over my neck, black, blue, and purple. God those were going to be hard to hide. His thrusts became sloppy as he approached his climax. He grunted my name out as he finally came on my body. He laid me down on the couch softly as he cleaned the bed and washed his hands. I washed myself as well, Shoji had to help me because I could barely walk.

  He tucked me and himself into bed, holding me in all six of his arms. It felt so warm and comfortable. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead and apologized for all the marks he left on me. "You're fine Shoji, I don't care I will just wear a scarf or a turtleneck underneath" he nodded "Goodnight (Y/N), I love you forever my dearest" he was such a romantic in his own special way. "I love you too my lovely Shoji" I spoke softly, closing my eyes and falling asleep in his warm embrace.

I'm tired sorry this is either too long or too short. I'll edit in the morning to change words and stuff. Hope you enjoyed! Bye and goodnight my lovely sinners!

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