🧊🍚Shigaraki x Suicidal!Reader

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  I sat up on my bed at the main headquarters of the league of Villains. Peering through the broken glass of the window. Tears rolled down my face.

Last night, Shigaraki, Toga, Twice and I were spying over a hero, who was currently residing in an abandoned building. The hero was injured as I could tell by my quirk. My quirk allows me to look at a person and see all of their information about their physical body, it doesn't allow me to read minds though. Our plan was to assassinate him, Toga was going to do that part but we brought Shigaraki along in case we thought Toga needed help. Twices job was to watch over them and protect me. We were creeping up on him and I hadnt been careful, I stepped on a shard of glass which penetrated into my bare foot. The hero heard and discovered us. Luckily Toga and Twice managed to assassinate him before anything worse happened, and Shigaraki carried me out bridal style to our hideout. He had wrapped my foot up in bandages. I felt so weak and useless. I always do something to mess up our plans. I don't know why they even keep me here. I'm just a worthless piece of garbage. I bet everyone talks about how useless I am.
(Flashback over)

   My fingers carefully held the sharp blade of the razor. I pressed the thin shred of blade against the warm skin of my wrist. Blood dripped down as the razor danced along my wrist. I let the razor glide along my wrists, tearing up the perfect skin of both my right and left wrist. I'm so worthless, I should probably just kill myself. No one even loves me anyways, they all pretend to like me but I bet they hate me, they are just waiting to kill me. I shouldn't exist, I shouldn't have been born. My mother died at my birth, all because of me. If I wasn't here she would still be alive. I'm just a toy for everyone to play with. I'll never really be a good human to anyone.

  My door slammed open, I flicked my head towards the opening of the door, Shigaraki stood at my door. Apparently he smelt the blood from me. He didn't have his father's hand on his face and I could clearly see the sorrow in his eyes. "(Y/N)! What are you doing to yourself?" He quickly shuffled over to me. I hid my razor and wrist from him but he grabbed me lightly and ran his cold fingers over the cuts over my skin, leaving trails of blood. A tear fell onto my wrist, I looked up at him and saw him crying. "Shigaraki?" "(Y/N) please don't do this to yourself, you're too beautiful to have these scars on you" I started to tear up but I put his comment to the side "I'm just useless to you guys, I'm always ruining our plans and making everyone sad. Everyone hates me no one ever liked me, you guys just keep me here because of my quirk. None of you actually want me here just let me die!" He backed away from my harsh words, tears still flowing in streams from his pearly eyes. "I love you (Y/N), if no one liked you we wouldn't have you here. I'll fight anyone who hates you, you're so perfect everyone loves you. I love you, I want to hold you and make all of your pain go away, I'm sorry I couldn't realize your pain sooner but when I saw your puffy eyes as you ran upstairs after Twice had scolded you for your mistakes, I knew. Please don't do this to yourself" his arms wrapped around me, pulling me close to him, his face burrowed in the crook of my neck. I felt his hiccups from crying against the tender skin of my nape. He brushed his fingers through my hair. "I love you too much to let you go, please promise me you will never do this. I don't care how many mistakes you make, you're still flawless in my eyes" I started crying "I won't, I love you too Shigaraki" I closed my eyes and returned him embrace. He pressed his chapped lips against my pale forehead.

  He carried me downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed some bandages to wrap around my wrist. Toga looked worried and rushed over to us. "What happened Shigaraki?" She asked, concern strummed her tender voice. I told her what happened and she gave me a reassuring hug. "No one here thinks of you like that, everyone here likes you, even if we don't show it *cough* Dabi- *cough*." She leaned closer to my ear and lowered her vocals to a whisper "Old Handyman over here has a huge crush on you, he thinks your clumsiness is adorable, he texts me late at night about how much he loves you!" Shigaraki apparently heard her and dragged her away, his face flushed red. I blushed nervously, I guess I do belong here. Shigaraki came back and grabbed my hand "Can...can you come to my room for a bit?" He asked shyly. I nodded and he lead me upstairs to his room. I sat on his bed as he closed the door.

  After he shut the door he sat next to me and held me close. His fingers ran through my (h/c) hair. He kissed my head again making me blush as he cuddled me.

Shigarakis POV

  I've never told anyone except Toga what a softie I am, but now (Y/N) knows. I can't let go of her, she almost killed herself, I can't live without her. I love her too much. I squeezed her and sat her on my lab bridal style, resting my back against the wall. She so adorable and huggable. I never want to leave her. Her arms wrapped around my waist as I kissed her warm cheek.


  I could hear Shigarakis heart beat in his chest, giving me life. His hand lifted my chin up to look at him. He leaned in towards me and kissed me passionately. I tangled my hands in his hair and continued to kiss him. He eventually pulled away from the tender kiss. "I love you (Y/N), Promise me you'll stay with me forever." I smiled "I'd never dream of refusing your request"

Time skip brought to you by yours truly.

Me and Shigaraki had been dating for about two years now, I hadn't cut myself and I've done better on my missions. Shigaraki was so sweet, he would take me on dates and kiss me goodnight. I love him so much. He walked me through parks holding my hand, he would cuddle with me and kiss my neck letting soft giggles escape from my lips. I realized how I couldnt live without him. He showed me my worth as he held me close and fell asleep with me. We went on another mission, this time our Target was a pro hero named Cementoss. It was Shigaraki and I alone. As I snuck behind him, holding a knife in hand I fell, Cementoss turned around and saw me, he knew me from the papers. He growled "Filthy villan, I'll make sure you never kill another hero again!" He slammed me into the ceiling using cement. Shigaraki got infront of him, and reached his hand out to decay him, but Cementoss had smashed him into a wall. I saw Shigaraki spit up blood. I quickly rushed over to him, picked him up and ran away. Thank God I've been training in agility. Cementoss tried chasing after us but he was too slow. I eventually got back to headquarters. Shigaraki was okay and so was I, we just had a few bruises and scrapes here and there. I realized what had happened. Because of my, my dear Shigaraki had gotten hurt. I started to cry, Toga and Shigaraki saw me run up to my room. I locked my door and grabbed my razor, stabbing my wrists over and over again. I could hear Toga slam against the door. Shigaraki was limping trying to get to the door. Blood spewed out of my wrists. Finally I screamed out "I LOVE YOU, SHIGARAKI" and the razor penetrated my neck. The world went dark as I collapsed onto the floor.

Shigaraki's POV

  By the time I had gotten to her door it was too late. My darling angel was laying in a pool of her own blood, her body was pale and her face was bare. The razor laid in betwee her small fingers. The ones that used to hold me close, the fingers that intertwined with mine. I missed her fingers. And her arms, bleeding violently, the arms that carried me to safety. Her cold lips, the ones that would press against my own and the lips I loved. Her neck, torn up. The neck I used to kiss to hear her cute giggles. I laid by her body and held it close. I cried as I carried her downstairs in a vein attempt to bring her back. "Please, (Y/N) I love you!" I held her hand and kissed it. My heart felt shattered as I stared into her once lively, adorable face that is now blank and violently pale. I kissed her lips, hoping to hear her heart beat again but it was useless. My love, she was gone.


Sorry for the sadness but I've been feeling really sad lately, my depression medication has me fucked up and I want to die. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this. Bye bye!

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