🍚Bakugou x Kirishima|Idiot

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This was a request from bear_hugzz123, even thought this is an x reader book I decided to do it, enjoy!

Kirishimas POV

Ah! Good ol' Sundays, the best day to drop by the gym and work out to maintain a manly figure. I smiled into the mirror, brushing my jagged teeth. My daily routine for every Sunday is to do my morning hygiene, throw on a tank top and shorts and head to the closest Planet Fitness in which I have a yearly membership to.

When I stepped into the gym I went straight to work in an orderly fashion. First, Curl-ups and Sit-ups as a warm up, then pull ups and push ups, treadmill, punching bag, and finally bench pressing. I add 10 pounds every week to increase my strength. I could feel my muscle fibers tearing apart throughout the routine.

After all of that good stuff, I took off my shirt and panted, exhausted from the work out. Taking a towel into my hand and wiping my face, I notice a very familiar ash-blonde Pomeranian looking dude. He was staring directly at my abs and quickly looked away when he saw that I was watching him gawking at me. I struted over to the one and only Bakuhoe and flexed infront of his face. "Like what'cha see?" I said confidently. He turned away, his palms exploding in anger. "Damn nerd.. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE NICE ABS DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING, SHITTY HAIR!" he gasped, mouthing the words that just came out of his mouth. I blushed, thinking about what he just said. "I-I mean.. Guh fuck it! I'M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU, SHARKY, DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE IT! NOW LET'S GO OUT TO EAT!" he almost demanded to me. I grinned and replied "Y'know, I love you too Baku, you don't have to be so mean." He walked towards the exit and I grabbed my shirt and followed behind him.

As we got out of the gym, he intertwined his fingers with mine. I looked up at him to see him gritting his teeth, as if he hated what he was doing. I shrugged it off and clenched his hand back. "You should be more like this Bakugo, I like seeing your soft side" he immediately yelled back at me "DONT GET USED TO IT, IDIOT! IT'S JUST FOR TODAY!" I could almost see the steam coming from his head.

We walked across the street to a small, smokey Cafe, it looked like it had good food. I silently pondered to myself if he was taking me on a date... He and I ordered out food at the cash register, him still tightly holding my hand as the cashier looked at our hands, and clicked her tongue as if disgusted by it. Bakugo seemed to notice this "DO YOUR DAMN JOB LADY AND STOP JUDGING ME FOR HOLDING MY BOYFRIENDS HAND!" I blushed, boyfriend? So now we're.. dating? I squealed inside my head but just as quickly stopped myself, because men don't squeal. The cashier placed our order with a frightful look on her face.

After getting our food, we sat down next to eachother at a booth. I took a big bite into my chicken wrap as he forcefully shoved beef onigiris into his mouth. Damn, he sure does love those. I'll have to remember that. He turns to me, with his mouth full "FHAT ARE HU HOOKING HAT??" I smiled at him and turned back to my wrap. "Nothing, just, you might be eating to fast, you might choke" he attempted to growl at me "I HAVE NEFHER HO- HACK *COUGH!!*" He started to gag on a piece of beef with he soon unloged out of his throat as I watched, not knowing what to do. He grunted and sighed, going a little slower on the onigiris now.

Finishing up our meal, we both walk out of the Cafe and back towards our homes. We live on the same street so he walked me to my house, all while holding my hand and insulting me if I commented on any romantic gestures he had pulled off. As he stopped at my porch he looked into my eyes "Hey.. Kiri.. I-I actually had fun today..." He scratched his head "I would like to do it again sometime.." I snorted at his new behavior. "I've never heard you speak without so much anger and of course we could do this again!" He smiles at me, making my heart skip a beat at the sight. His smile quickly frowns "Whatever.. idiot" he quickly brings his face down to mine and kisses my cheek before walking away and towards his home, never looking back at my Scarlett red face.

I didn't care how unmanly I was acting because as soon as I got to my room, I hugged my pillow tightly and squealed.


It's like 2:28 AM here and I'm beyond tired so sorry for it being so short. Happy New year's everyone!

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