🍋 Tokoyami x Reader | Sweet Mercy

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  Hazily, my eyelids opened up, the sweet light from the sun pierced through the blinds and lit up the room. My blankets covered my body, sheltering from the cold misery outside. A pair of arms held me close, playing with my hair and gently squeezing me.

  I turn over to the source of the warmth to see my boyfriend, Tokoyami, staring at my face with large red eyes that seems to draw me towards him. He smiles, seeing that he has gotten caught admiring me. "You are so beautiful my love" I giggle and bury my face into his chest. His scent a mist of romance as I felt the 'lips' of his beak press against my forehead.

  I wrap my legs around his waist, seeing as it is a Saturday, to cuddle closer to him. To my uncanny suprise, I could feel a large object press against my inner thighs. Tokoyami lets out a low groan as I realize what he was fantasizing about, staring at me before I had awaken. He pulls me into his heat, whispering in my ear, "I'm sorry I couldn't help it you... You are just simply adorable," his words seemed to be dipped in dark bittersweet chocolate. His husky tone had me craving more of him. The fact that I only slept in underwear and a shirt, and that he slept in his boxers, made the situation a bit more pleasant. I start grinding onto his tent, his breath hitched as he rolled on top of my sleepy figure, taking dominance as always. His hands grab my hips, giving him more access to pleasure me with his growing bulge, pressing against my clothed sex.

  I moaned and gripped at his shoulders, he chuckled lowly, sending simulating vibrations through my tender neck. A soft gasp escaped my lips as I allowed him to take off my oversized UA t-shirt. His beak nips at the soft flesh of my nape, leaving tiny marks and making me mewl in estacy. His large hands reached out and grabbed the mounds of meat on my chest, fondling the nipples causing them to harden at his delicate and addictive touch. I moan and buck my hips towards his cock. My panties were dripping with excited fluids, wanting all of him inside me. One hand continued to work my breasts, his beak still leaving hickeys along my body as his other hand glides down my stomach, tracing the sweet, merciful words 'I love you' on my torso. After him feeling satisfied with his work, and a few moans from me, his hands lower, going under my panties and brushing over my clit gently. I grip the bedsheets and mew. His fingers take off my panties and then work my clit with his deft digits.

  I let out several cries of pleasure, fueling his gametes, the blood in his body rushing towards his dick. He rubs my clit between his fingers, back and forth, my moans were music to his ears. "So adorable~" he whispers to me "Tokoyami~" His carnal instincts heard me cry his name, causing him to pick up the speed of his fingers, teasing my sensitive clit without mercy, rubbing faster than before making me buck my hips towards his hands. His left hand still squeezing my boob, his lips were pressed against mine, hypnotizing me with his tongue. Swirling and exploring the cavern of my mouth, his tongue makes sure that no spot of my mouth is untouched. He breaks away from the heated kiss, I look up at his with a submissive gaze. This look turns him on even more as he delivers both of his fingers inside of my dripping heat.

  His fingers were clamped tightly by my walls, I let out a sigh feeling then inside me. He starts to move them roughly, creating friction against my walls and hitting my g-spot roughly making me cry out in pleasure. His fingers twisted inside of me as he pressed his lips against mine once again. His tongue battles with mine for dominance and I submit to his nature. His fingers curled inside of me and scissored. I let out a wail and start to move my hips unconsciously. He chuckled lowly and leans down towards my ear, taking the love into his mouth and sucking lightly on it. I let out several loud moans as his fingers try to work my orgasm out of me. I gripped onto his biceps and spread my legs open more so he can have more access. His fingers increase their pace as I thrust in sync with them.

  He pulls his digits out of me, liking off all of my juices off them. I whine as the loss of his fingers. My womanhood pulsed, still yearning for more of him. He looks at me with dominance, like his gaze controls me and feeds me. "Do you want me to make you cum, my delicate angel?~" My eyes fixate on him and I open my mouth to reply "Yes, please Tokoyami, f-fuck me"

  He slipped his black boxers off, rubbing his cock against my clit making me unconsciously buck my hips towards him. My grip on the bedsheets returns. He grabs my waist and kissed me once again, his tongue forcing his way inside of my mouth, I don't put up much a fight because I already know he's going to win. His tongue danced with mine, his hums like a sweet melody as they intertwine and tangle. I let out a moan as I feel his tip press into me. He starts to breathe heavy. My heart races as he continues to push his full and thick length into me. I let out a groan of pain once it hits my cervix, he stays in the position with his entire cock inside me. My breathing fastens, feeling his veins pulsate against my walls. "G-God you're tight my angel (Y/N)" he says as he pulls back, making me squeal and scratch the bedsheets. He thrusts back into me making me cry out in pure pleasure. The pain soon fades away once I adjust to him. He started to thrust quickly now, building speed, my moans keeping him steady. He lets out some grunts as he nips at my neck with his beak. He picks up pace, going harder inside me, I could feel his length torturing my sensitive pussy, the tip slamming against my g-spot. He grips my hips tighter and slams into me, pleasing all the right places. Heart's formed in my lazy eyes as they unfocused, my vision becoming blurry as the tears of pleasure stream down my cheeks. "Ahh! Tokoyami please moree~" he hears out my request and starts slamming into me faster, my body shivering with ecstasy.

  He picks me up and slams me against the wall. His cock now ramming into me like a battering ram. I almost couldn't take it anymore, his heat, his body, his cock, his scent, I screamed out his name, the new position allowing him to thrust deeper into me. I pull and tug at his feathers and he works more hickeys along my neck, trailing up to my jaw and lips. He kisses me roughly, his tongue sloppily craving mine and they continued the passionate dance together. My eyes crossed as I moaned into the kiss. I wanted to tell him to go faster but unfortunately I could not. He bites my bottom lip harshly and tugs on it. He roughly slammed into me, his carnal instincts taking over as he held my wrists up high above my head. He fucked me like I was a dirty little sex toy. He grunts out my name and bucks his hips. His entire body was overwhelming with pleasure. He became extremely rough. "Hyaaa! Tokoyami it's so good! I love youuuu!" "G-guhh! I love you too (Y/N). F-Fuck!" My walls tightened around his massive penis as he continues to forcefully thrust into me. His breath is shaky and harsh. His thrusts become more sloppy and I feel a large knot form in my stomach. "T-Tokoyami, I thin- AHH! I think I'm going to UGNHH~ going to c-cum!" He brings his beak closer to my ear "Cum for me babygirl, I want to taste your firm liquids" I couldn't hold it in anymore and I did as told, I came all over his cock, I breathed heavy as I rode out my orgasm. He thrusts a few more times and then pulls out, cumming on my stomach. I let out a few shaky breaths. I try to stand up but my clanking kneecaps just collapsed. He catches me, still licking up my cum and lays me on the bed, he wiped his cum off of me with nearby tissues. He puts my shirt and a new pair of underwear on me and he puts his boxers on. My body shook, still having quite a bit of trouble trying to recover from the intense orgasm. He lays down next to me and tucks us both into bed. "You were amazing my dear" I giggled weakly and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You were too my love" I say to him. He buried his face in between my boobs and wraps his arms around my small waist.

I had no clue what to title this lol but here's your fanfiction you lovely sinner ;) have a good night/day my beauties! Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing this!

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