🍓🍚Their Love Language

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UwU, basically all the Bnha boys that pop up in my minds love language! Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, Receiving and Giving Gifts, and Quality Time.

Ft. Bad Nicknames, their real names are in the text.

Holy fuck you guys it's fucking All Might!: Acts of service! Izuku likes to hold the door open for you, give a massage, take out the trash for you and etc because it makes him happy that he can do these things for you, it also makes him feel loved when you do these in return!

Bakucrap:Quality Time! Katsuki likes to just be alone with you so he can just be a softie without feeling like he needs to be the big tough and mean guy to get any respect.

Daddy Issues: Words of Affirmation! Shoto loves your ability to comfort him with simply sweet words whenever he talks to you about his pissy dad that no one likes.

Zoom: Giving Gifts! Since Tenya comes from a high class family, he loves that he can spoil you with gifts and will get all mushy if you get anything for him, whether it's a whole new tv or a ring pop he will melt.

Boner Jokes: Physical Touch! Ejiro loves to feel your soft skin against his, it makes him calm after a fight or just in general, like if he is going to sleep he will hold you close. Of course he loves it when you hold him like a baby to your chest.

🅱ikachu: Quality Time! Denki likes to spend all of his time with you no matter what! Anytime he is free he will ask you to come hang out with him and the boys. Usually if you're alone you will take a walk in the park or spend the night together.

Human Mettaton: Giving gifts! Yuuga likes to shower you with sparkles and sparkly items to remind you of him. At first, you didn't mind it until your room overflowed with so many shiny things it hurt your eyes and left spots. You still appreciate it though.

Hentai: Physical Touch! Mezou loves his quirk for the reason that he can hold you close to him and give the best cuddles. He loves to use his quirk on you when you two are together so he can hold your hand, keep you warm and cozy, hold you close and carry you when you get tired. A very good boy indeed

Best Birb: Acts of Service! Fumikage likes to so anything he can for you, and anything to please you. This boy will worship you, anything you want he does. You don't really like it though because you don't want to be spoiled like that. Just opening the door for you is enough alone

Kung Fu Panda: Quality time! Ojiro likes to spend lots of time with you, teaching you new martial arts, training together, taking a walk or just sitting at home with his tail wrapped around you and binging Kung Fu Panda.

Snow White: Words of Affirmation! Koda likes to talk to you, he's grown out of his cocoon and has become more open with compliments and cute little notes. You love his voice and you will also call him your baby boy, your king, etc.

Phil Swift: Giving gifts! Sero likes to make you stuff, crafting things handmade mostly. He puts time and effort into his gifts for you to make you feel loved and wanted all the time! This boy is here for you, and he's learned a lot of different tactics with his quirk that aid him in making those gifts.

Super Diabetes: Giving gifts as well! Much like Sero, Satou likes to bake you sweets and snacks to eat with you. Sometimes he'll use a cupcake as an excuse so you come over to his dorm and spend time with him while eating it. You don't mind, though you are worried about your calorie intake.

Good boy: Words of Affirmation. Amajiki loves when you tell him he's cute or say something nice. He's a very shy one so these things you do help boost his confidence. He also tells you that you're adorable and how much he loves you.

No-Clip: Physical Touch! Mirio likes to embrace you and hold you close to his strong figure. It makes him feel better about his quirk loss now because he can't just accidently fall through the floor and leave you, and you can't fall through his body. He also likes his hand size compared to yours so he can hold your hand firmly.

Captain America: Acts of service! Toshinori likes to carry you in his arms when you're tired, hold doors open for you, and basically just be the pillar of hope and justice. Being a hero for you. It's what he does best in this world, serving people to keep them safe and happy.

Sleep? What's sleep?: Physical touch. Shotas favourite pass time with you is spooning or cuddling you while laying down or taking a nap together. He likes to feel the warm heat of your body press into him and make him feel protective and strong.

Loud Mouth: Words of Affirmation! Who would've guessed that Hizashi would be Words of Affirmation? Everyone. He will literally shout in public about how much he loves and adores you. He doesn't care if there are minors around. He don't give a fuck because he loves you.

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