10- Stitches

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Arthur's physical state got better and he got out of the hospital, however his emotional state went downhill.

The only thing left of Lewis was in Arthur's head, all of the memories he once shared about the magenta haired male were erased from everyone but himself.

Everybody that had a connection with Lewis was oblivious that he ever existed, even his parents and family.

Every piece of material evidence of Lewis (photos, pictures, things he possessed, etc.) Were gone forever. Lewis was like an antique painting lost in a fire: unfixable and unreplaceable, the fire leaving nothing behind but ashes. Those ashes represent Arthur's memory of Lewis: unrecognizable to anybody's eye, except the one witness who watched it burn.

Arthur couldn't give an explanation as to why this was happening, even if he told any of his close ones he would look insane no matter what.

Everyone lived their lives like nothing ever happened, like no one was ever there to fill that void. That drove Arthur insane.

The memory of the occurrence in the cave sucked the life out of him like a black hole. Whenever he thought of Lewis he couldn't help but punch the walls of his bedroom until his knuckles bled in hopes of focusing the pain on something else.

He got worse over time. He wouldn't eat, he stopped taking care of himself properly. It got to the point that he would make excuses to Lance (his uncle) to not go to the workshop. On weekends he only got out of his room to go to the restroom and locked himself back in his room immediately.

As consequence he lost weight and was pale as a ghost. He wasn't himself anymore.

His family's worry only grew and eventually they dragged him to a therapist, since he refused to go. Vivi and Lance would bring him weekly in hopes of getting the good ol Arthur back.

He started taking meds for his depression and sleeping pills to help him get some proper rest. He confessed that he barely got any sleep because he would have the same nightmares every night and he would stay up most of the time.

Several months went by, thanks to the help and support he was getting, plus his medications, he slowly but surely started to improve. There's no words to explain how glad Vivi and Mystery felt when they saw the blond smile again for the first time after so long.

On the other hand, Lance isn't good at robotics like Arthur, but he encouraged him about making a prosthetic arm accustomed just for him. Lance gave him ideas and helped him throughout the whole process. After lots of hard work, they finished the prothesis and Arthur placed it on what remained of his arm. He was very happy with the results, and Lance was more than satisfied.

Arthur was beginning to look healthier physically and mentally. The signature bags under his eyes were still there, but that's the Arthur they looked forward to after almost a year of therapy. He was starting to be himself again.


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