16- "Wet dream"

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Arthur opened his eyes.

He was standing at the school entrance. Looking around his eyes landed on a familiar broad figure of a guy with their magenta hair in it's usual pompadour, making Arthur's eyes glow in awe. Of course, they must be on his teens! Lewis was standing on the sidewalk facing the opposite direction, a beautiful sunset painted the sky above him, the wind caressing his features.

No other soul was present, just him and the magenta haired male, who's back was facing him.

"Hey! Lewis!" He shouted from afar, but Lewis didn't budge.
Arthur walked up to him with a fast pace, but the closer he got the path became longer and longer, keeping Lewis far from his reach. Arthur noticed the unnatural distance and stopped. Uncertain, he stared at Lewis's back perceiving an obscure aura coming from him, the wind contributing to the eerie atmosphere that was slowly developing.

Arthur had an uncanny feeling while he approached Lewis's figure as the sky turned gloomier with every step he took.
He reached a hand to touch his shoulder,but Lewis let his backpack fall to the ground making Arthur retrieve his hand promptly.

"... what's going on?..." Arthur said, no response once again.

"Lewis...?" He muttered.


Arthur watched in horror as Lewis cranked his head towards him, his reassuring magenta eyes were replaced with lifeless black ones, sending chills throughout his spine. Arthur stepped back until he tripped and fell back into a dark abyss, closing his eyes shut he listened to the sound of his heartbeat as he fell deeper into the void....

Suddenly he woke up with a gasp. He sat up and looked around to see absolutely nothing, just blackness... And water. The floor was flooded at a very low level, as it only dampened his bare feet.

He stood up and paced around. Regardless of his surroundings, it was dark only at a certain point, meaning he could see what was in front of him as he walked.

(A/n some of you have noticed but for those of you who haven't yet, this environment here is inspired by Stranger Things oK letS ConTiNue-)

Arthur noticed the floor's texture changing as he got closer to something he wasn't certain of, as it was out of his light radius. All of a sudden he felt a sharp pain on his foot making him hiss, as it turns out it was one of many spikes starting to form forward. He saw blood coming out of the fresh cut, but it wasn't too big of an issue, so he kept going, being careful not to step on another one. The spikes became bigger and bigger until turning into stalagmites. When he saw where they led to his eyes widened glancing at a corpse that was displayed on the largest point. To his dismay, it was Lewis's body.

He frantically stepped closer and felt a rush of dread go trough him when he saw the mangled body almost beyond recognition, seeing the lifeless expression on his face.

In the middle of his panic attack a herd of deadbeats came from the shadows and surrounded Arthur and the corpse in front of him, flying around like aggressive bees and screeching loudly.

He fell to his knees in and covered his ears, closing his eyes shut "GO AWAY!!" he screamed, making the scene in front of him vanish into purple smoke, including the deadbeats.

He was surprised that it actually worked, however his relief was short-lived when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and Jesus Christ it scared him shitless. He looked behind him locking eyes with the skeleton ghost man...

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