15- Aggressive ghost

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When a person dies, it's believed that's their spirit leaves the body and enters a form of purgatory, where it waits for a proper funeral.

If a spirit is influenced by powerful emotions such as a desire for revenge, love, jealousy, hatred or sorrow, their spirit is thought to come back to the physical world. The spirit then exists on Earth until it can be laid to rest, which can be done by doing a proper funeral or by resolving the emotional conflict that still ties it to the physical plane. Until then, the spirit will persist in it's haunting.

If there's no way for the conflict to be resolved the spirit is bound to this state forever, loosing their opportunity to be at rest.

In Lewis's case, he wanted so desperately to be with Vivi again, but now he couldn't be back in her life, as he understood he wasn't part of it anymore. On the other hand, he held a strong grudge towards Arthur, performing a whole vendetta against him. He's not aware that Arthur was possessed when he was pushed, instead he's convinced that Arthur did it all in malicious intent, being the source of his anger.

However, no matter how big was his grudge against Arthur, the main reason he came back from the dead was because of Vivi. He chased after her in hopes of being back together, which meant he wouldn't be at peace anymore and would stay in this world forever.


The moment that portal closed behind the devastated ghost, his sorrow turned to anger rather quickly, getting worse every second.

He reached the big gates of his home, which were quickly opened for him by two of his deadbeats, who became aware of his visible anger. He entered the Mansion and the gates closed behind him.

His eyes landed on the middle of the grand foyer...

The deadbeats were surrounding Arthur, but they weren't attacking him...

"Are they... Socializing???" He thought to himself getting so mad he became engulfed in flames.

"What are you pathetic souls doing!?" He yelled getting everyone's attention. They all got terrified at the sight of the furious ghost man storming towards their direction, specially Arthur who looked like he wished to be swallowed by the ground. The deadbeats scattered around the house to hide in fear, like a bunch of rats, leaving the poor blond by himself. Arthur cowered in his gaze while Lewis approached him. Without saying a word he abruptly grabbed Arthur carrying him over his shoulder. Arthur didn't show any resistance, he knew it would only make things worse.

Lewis brought him to a sort of isolation room, containing a bed, a small bathroom, a nightstand and a small window. He tossed Arthur inside and locked the door, Arthur let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding gazing at the door "that... wasn't so bad-" he couldn't finish before Lewis walked trough the wall going inside the room, making him gasp in shock. He backed away but Lewis grabbed him by the neck, holding him up "You!" He exclaimed slamming Arthur's back against the wall, making him groan in pain "What have you done to her!?" He yelled on his face "stop I-I don't know who you're talking about! P-please..." Arthur pleaded gasping for air. "VIVI!!..." He dropped Arthur on the ground, cupping his face in his hands "Vivi..." his ghost like hair becoming bigger until turning into thunderclouds that filled the room.

"The love of my life doesn't even know who I am!! Do you have any idea how much I've mourned for her!?" Lewis screamed in fury.
"Lewis it's not my fault! I don't know myself...!" He screamed back, but he wouldn't listen. Lewis pinned him to the wall "Liar!" He slammed Arthur's back again putting his weight against him, making Arthur yelp "You don't fool me, I know you have something to do with this idiot. You better start speaking." He said harshly "Lewis I swear t-that wasn't me out there I-I got possessed! I was unconscious for like a week or s-something I don't know what happened to her-" he was stammering all over the place and Lewis couldn't understand what he was saying. He was having none of it.

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