9- "The truth"

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"I'll give you some privacy, if you need anything call for Dr. May yeah?" Dr. May said before exiting the room, leaving the other two with Arthur.

He went silent. Every worry he had about Vivi ever forgiving him was thrown out the window. Arthur glared at her with the most serious face he could muster at the moment "w h a t?" He asked "Lewis? Our partner? Our close friend?? Your boyfriend!!" He emphasized the last word "it's about your boyfriend we're talking about and you're telling me you don't know him???" He yelled, not so loudly though because they were in a hospital. Vivi stood there startled, Arthur shrunk in the hospital bed "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you..." he apologized.

"But I don't have a boyfriend..."
Vivi said furrowing her eyebrows. Arthur pinched his temple "my god could this get any worse??" He thought to himself "ok you must have some kind of amnesia from the hit or something" Arthur said motioning with his hand. "Oh so you're saying I'm crazy?" Vivi argued

"Uh yeah! I know what I'm talking about, mystery knows!"

Arthur looked at Mystery who seemed skeptical "Mystery you know who I'm talking about" he said hopeful. Mystery frowned and looked sideways. "See! He knows! Right?" Arthur said but immediately lost hope when Mystery shook his head no.

"Why are you two acting like this??" Arthur argued

"Look who's talking, the one who just woke up from a coma!"

Arthur expression slumped immediately and Vivi noticed it. He wasn't expecting that at all. Shaken he started to ramble "I- I was in a coma!? For how long!?"

Mystery grumbled and the other two turn their heads. He put a finger up to his snout gesturing them to be quiet. Because from all the commotion apparently they forgot they were in a hospital.

"...how long Vivi?" Arthur said upset "6 days." Vivi said crossing her arms.

Arthur looked down at his bandaged stub and sighed. "At least It wasn't for longer" he said quietly. "Still, how much stuff could happen in 6 god damn days?" He said brushing a hand through his hair.

"My phone. Where's my phone?" He said looking around, seeing his backpack on the side of the room "would you pass me that?" He said pointing at it. Mystery gave it to Arthur and he took his phone out. "I'll show you." He said fidgeting the phone.

He went into his text messages and went pale.

"Wait..." He didn't even have his contact. Every sign of Lewis was gone. His photos, his videos, his messages. Gone. Arthur couldn't believe it.

The look he gave Vivi made her heart sink. "Arthur.." she said reassuringly putting her hand on his shoulder. "I don't know what you're going through and, this may sound harsh but..."

"There's no Lewis.."

Saying Arthur was heartbroken is an understatement. The pain that was painted on his complection was overwhelming to say the least, however he wasted all his tears to this point and was too dried out to cry again.

He buried his head on the blanket and sniffed "I don't fucking get it why is this happening...?" He said, the blanket muffling his pained voice.

Vivi sat beside him on the bed and hugged him, Mystery did the same on the other side of the bed. They stayed like that for a while until a nurse came by and told them Arthur needed some time to rest.

"I'm sorry." Vivi said before exiting the room with mystery, leaving Arthur by himself with his demons.


Arthur was left to rest in the hospital for a few more days to regain his strength.

The first night when the lights were off and he was alone, he sat up contemplating everything. He tried to recall every little detail from the occurrence in the cave, and considering the fact that Vivi and Mystery where oblivious of that even happening, they couldn't help him get the pieces together as to what led to the current situation.

Also the police weren't going to help since they already searched the place and found nothing. They wouldn't agree to do it again, and if he told them what happened they probably wouldn't take him seriously.

He hold his stub, then looked at the moonlight coming from the only window "I'll have to do it myself."

With that he laid back down and tried to get some sleep, but a set of words in his head were keeping him awake.

"There's no Lewis."

Heyyyy I'm not dead! What a shame right? Ok now seriously

Sorry I was gone a lot of stuff has happened and I wasn't even going to continue but motivation hit me at 1:50 am and here I am.

Hope this is decent, see you next time.

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