18- Walking on shards

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Edit: a/n, I'm dropping this video here because this might get sad halfway through and I think this is fitting. So yeah.

Arthur put his prosthetic arm back and reached for the clothes the deadbeat kindly gave him, which consisted on a white dress shirt. It was too big for him, like really big, to the point that it reached down to his knees and the sleeves were much longer than his arm length, but it was a good thing. The oversize was necessary since he didn't have any spare boxers and he definitely wasn't wearing his again, it was also really comfortable and it had a faint scent of cologne, so he wasn't complaining at all.

Le time skip~


"What is it?" Lewis said indifferent. He was sitting on his desk submerged in his thoughts when the sad faced deadbeat faced him.

"I was thinking... Don't humans need to eat or something, sir?" Lewis shifted in his seat. The fact that he didn't think this trough upset him.

"For all I care he can starve." He said rather stiffly. In reality he didn't mean it, he genuinely didn't know what to reply, that's what came out. I mean, he always desired to have him under his power to get his payback, but he didn't know what to do with him after reaching such point. He could just forget about him and let him die of starvation, but if so, what's the point of keeping him captive? Perhaps he could feed him until he thought of something.

Lewis looked at him dead in the eye while saying this. The deadbeat's reaction made him realize that it might've sounded a bit more aggressive than he originally wanted.

"Tch... scratch that..." He mumbled pondering for a second. "Just- I don't care, check the fridge for something, I'm busy" Lewis said rather sternly.

(A/n I'm gonna start referring the deadbeat as he from now on cause I'm getting tired honestly)

The deadbeat nodded doing as told. He had little knowledge about foods but he managed to make a simple sandwich on a plate. The deadbeat then headed towards Arthur's room with the plate balanced on his head and handed it to him, earning a smile of gratitude. Some time later at night, he checked on him again
and was surprised to see him curled up in a ball shacking on the floor. The sad faced deadbeat went to his side and asked what was wrong but he was unresponsive and his eyes were totally fixated on the wall in front of him.

Freaking out (no puns here) he ran up to Lewis who was still sitting on his desk working "S-sir! I require your assistance!" Lewis raised an eyebrow "Why's that?" He asked "Something is wrong with our hostage! I-I don't know what happened!" He said with worry.

Lewis didn't like that "what did you give him to eat?" Lewis said standing up from his chair "two slices of white bread filled with cheese, ham, mayonnaise and lettuce! Is there something poisonous among those ingredients?" He said in genuine worry.

"A sandwich." He said sarcastically with half lidded eyes.

"y-yes sir! That!" He replied.
Lewis then walked ahead cursing under his breath.

Lewis didn't remember Arthur having any allergies, so it weirded him out. He reached Arthur's door "for fucks sake it's just a sandwich..." He said before phasing trough the wall. He sighed in annoyance when he saw his state, but it got worse upon seeing what Arthur was wearing. "Is that mine??" He thought to himself fuming at Arthur's curled up shape on the floor. He was mad, he clenched his fist trying not to burst out in flames and burn the whole building. He managed to calm down a few minutes later exhaling deeply.

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