Author's Note (Important)

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Oh hello there.

Welcome to hell. Ok I'm kidding.

I sincerely think there's just not enough Lewthur here so I'm making a shitty fanfic because why not amiright?

I'm not the best at writing because English is my second lenguage, so please excuse me if you find some weirdly written part that could've been described conveniently.

In other words, excuse my bilingual ass I scramble a lot to describe simple thi n g s

If you're hoping for consistency in updates, I got bad news for ya pal, yeah I know it's a bummer, but I don't really have a schedule for updates. I just write when inspiration hits me in the guts.

By the way, artwork is made by me :)(If you'd like to support my art my Instagram username is on my profile!)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters of the Mystery Skulls animated series. Mystery Ben is the author. The fanart cover is the only thing I own (and of course the plot twist I gave to the story in this fanfic that.. makes it a fan..fic... Because you know, we don't really know the whole plot yet)

WARNING: cursing, mention of suicide, occasional lemon, etc. If there's anything else I'll let you know anyways.


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