"Thomas!" "Sonya!"

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I looked at my surroundings and smiled slightly. Todays the day! I covered my eyes and whistled. A bright light flashed behind my eyes and disappeared. I uncovered my eyes and watched amused as the Teen Wolf and Shadowhunter groups look around confused on high alert. Stiles saw me and was probably going to ask who I am, but before he could someone yelled Thomas from the other side of the room. Stiles or Thomas to others, looked at where the shadowhunters were standing and saw someone he never thought he'd see again.
"Sonya!" Stiles yelled rushing towards Sonya or Clary to others. Clary met him halfway and they hugged eachother fiercely.
"I thought I'd never see you again." Stiles mumbled into her hair, but everybody heard him.
"I thought I'd never see you again! I never saw you after you left the mountains. Wheres Newt? Is he okay?" Sonya(Clary) asked. Thomas(Stiles) looked at her sadly and shook his head.
"He didn't make it did he?" Sonya(Clary) asked sadly. Thomas(Stiles) nodded as tears escaped his eyes. Sonya(Clary) growled and pushed away from Stiles. She started mumbling about how she was gonna kill wicked and how they were gonna pay. Stiles(Thomas) grabbed onto Sonya's(Clary's) arms and held her into place.
"They are already dead." Thomas(Stiles) said forcefully. Sonya(Clary) looked at him for a second and then asked slowly.
"Who killed them?"
"I did." Stiles(Thomas) said.
"What!" Scott yelled from behind Stiles. "You killed someone other than Donavan?! I understand that was for self défense, but you killed others. Stiles, we don't kill!" Scott said walking towards Stiles. Stiles growled and stopped hugging Clary.
"Well they deserved to die! They were very evil men that killed teenagers!" Stiles yelled.
"So your just as bad?! You killed Allison! Does that make you a bad guy?!" Scott yelled back, shocking me and everyone else in the room. Stiles stumbled back giving Scott a hurt look.
"You know that wasnt me. It..it wasnt me." Stiles said tears rolling down his face. Scott backed up slightly realizing what he said.
"Stiles I didn't mean too. I..I know that wasnt you." Scott stuttered slightly.
"But it was me Scott! I'm the one who wasnt strong enough to not get taken over by the nogitsune! You and Allison both sacrificed yourself! It wasnt just me! I should have been stronger!" Stiles exclaimed. Lydia walked up too Stiles and slapped him. Clary was about to seperate them but stopped when Lydia hugged Stiles.
"It wasnt your fault. If anything it was mine." Lydia mumbled into his chest. Stiles looked down at her and pushed her off of him holding her in place by her upper arms. He pushed her hair out of her face and smiled.
"Lydia it wasnt your fault either. You were with me, And not with the rest of the pack. I wasnt waking up! I was pretty much dead. You felt your best friend die. And you still had too stay with me. I might be your best friend now, but I kept you away. You werent there to warn anyone and thats on me." Stiles said rubbing her cheek. Lydia smiled up at him and then looked down for a second.
"You were still there for me. You were just didnt know. You were there when I got attacked by Peter. You were there when Jackson died, even though he came back. You were there when Alli died. And you were there when Aiden died. You should have seen me when you got taken by the ghost riders. I was going crazy! I had no clue who you were, but I still knew I was missing something. I literally didnt realize I love you until I lost you, which was wrong on my part." Lydia finished. Stiles looked at her with hearts in his eyes and then kissed her. They kissed for a couple seconds before they heard an aww.
"Aww! Tommy has a girlfriend. What happened to Theresa Tom?" Clary ask cheerfully. Stiles pulled away from Lydia and glared at Clary.
"One don't call me Tommy or Tom. Only Newt and Theresa can. And two, shes dead." Stiles said. I clapped my hands loudly and stepped forward.
"OKAY BEFORE THIS TURNS INTO A FIGHT WITH STILES AND CLARY KILLING EACHOTHER LETS START WATCHING CLIPS!" I yelled loudly. Everyone looked at me. Some of the werewolves growled and others took out their weapons. I rolled my eyes and frowned.
"Your really gonna hurt a 14 year old." I asked raising my eyebrows. They all slowly stopped growling and others put away their weapons.
"Okay! Hello my names Ellie. I'm the one who brought you here! And I have one more person to add." I said looking at all the people. I whistled and Allison Argent appeared next to me. She looked around confused until a body collided with her, sending them both to the ground.
"ALLISON!" Lydia yelled hugging her friend tightly. Scott walked up behind Lydia and brought them both into a hug. Stiles standed awkwardly behind them. Allison looked at the people hugging her in tears and then realized someone was missing. She looked in front of her and saw Stiles standing there unsure of what to do. She smiled and pulled herself away from Scott and Lydia. They look at her and then to where she was walking and smiled. Allison smiled at Stiles quickly before pulling him into a hug. Stiles stood there awkwardly before hugging her back.
"I missed you Alli." Stiles whispered.
"I missed you too." Allison said sniffling. I smiled and then whistled once again, but not to bring anymore people here. It got their attention and I pointed to the seats on the left side of the theater. They all started sitting with stiles in the middle Lydia on his right Allison on his left and Clary beside Allison and the rest of the shadowhunters characters beside Clary. The rest of the pack was next to Lydia. I smiled and clapped my hand once and the video started on screen.

Hey guys! This is a new story I thought of while writing my other story Legacies. I really wanted to write it so I did. I hope you like it so far. They will start watching videos next chapter. Sadly I don't own Shadowhunters, Teen wolf, or Maze Runner. James Dashner owns Maze Runner. Jeff Davis owns Teen wolf, and last but not least Ed decter owns Shadowhunters!

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