He has lost a lot of people.

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"Okay before we start I'm going to bring in multiple people. Stiles they are the people you interacted with when you didn't have your memory back yet. Let me give you a hint of who's coming. Three words Dave, Mitch, and Stuart. And Stiles all of them literally think you are dead so be easy on them. And also I'm bringing someone back to life." I said. Stiles looked at me with huge eyes as I whistled. Nine people fell into the room. Lyle stood up and looked at all the people surrounding him. His eyes landed on Stiles and he gasped.
"S-stuart?!" Lyle asked shocked. At the sound of Stuarts name team Lyle looks up. All of them gasp and rush towards him.
"Your not stuffing your face in your phone?"
"Where's your beanie?"
"Aren't you suppose to be dead?"
The last question makes Stiles sneer and look at who said it. Graham steps back when he sees the sneer on Stiles face. Stiles stands up, clearly pissed, and starts walking toward Graham.
"Maybe you should show a little respect. I mean all you are is a good for nothing douche that knows nothing." Stiles snaps. Lydia rushes up behind him and grabs his arm.
"Hey! Stiles calm the fuck down. Breath you never lose your temper like this." Lydia says grabbing Stiles face and forcing him to look at her.
"What the hell is a Stiles?!" Graham asks. Lydia laughs slightly but Stiles growls and goes after Graham. Before Lydia can stop him he already had ahold of Graham's neck and pushes him up against a wall. Graham squeaks in surprise while Stiles looks at him threateningly. Lydia continues calling his name while Stiles continues to strangle Graham(Its not like he doesn't deserve it) Scott finally had enough and grab Stiles and pull him off of Graham. Stiles without realizing it hits Scott in the face with his elbow with so much force that Scott falls backwards. Stiles finally snaps out of his anger and looks at his surroundings. Some people are in the corner trying to stay away from Stiles. All of the werewolves are growling or just standing around shocked that Stiles could do that. Scott grabs his jaw and looks up at Stiles.
"What happened to you man?" Scott asks.
"I got experimented on by crazy people who took away my memories and replaced them with fakes. You want to know one of the memories they gave me. One of a women who was supposedly my mom. But she wasn't my mom obviously because my mom died when I was 10 from frontotemporal dementia. Which I thought I had when I was 17 years old because of a stupid evil fox spirit possessing me and I killed one of my best friends because of it. Your ex girlfriend and my fiancees best friend." Stiles snapped. His eyes looked like they were on fire as he talked. Scott looked at him with sympathy but thats not what Stiles was looking for. He stormed out of the room to the rooms they would be sleeping in later tonight. It was silent for a couple seconds before Aubrey stood up and walked to the middle of the room.
"Okay I Don't know what the hell is going on but that man was my deceased boyfriend that died in a car crash when he was 20 and you guys are calling him Stiles and Stuart. So someone explain what the hell is going on or I swear to hades I will kill all of you." Aubrey yelled. I decided all of this needed to be taken care of so I walked up next to Aubrey to get everyones attention.
"Okay since all of you are freaking out I will explain. But first John go and make sure your sons okay. And if you need back up take Newt, Minho, Lydia, Allison, and Scott with you. You are the people that are closest to him and he obviously still blames himself for Allisons death so fix that Allison." I said. Stiles dad walked out of the room followed by Newt, Minho, Allison, Lydia, and Scott. I nodded happily and turned to the new comers.
"Okay so all of you guys obviously know Stiles somehow. And you all thought he was dead, which makes since because he was an assassin for a while. Anyways that man whether he was your ex boyfriend, fiancee, trainee, or friend has gone through a lot. I wanted to get him closure so I decided to bring people here to help him. Katrina no offence or anything but try to stay away from Stiles. He has seen a lot of death in his life and he went a little crazy after you were killed." I said. Katrina nodded and smiled. I smiled back and got ready to play the videos I prepared. Before I could play them Stiles, John, Allison, Lydia, Scott, Newt, and Minho stepped back into the room. They all looked like they were crying so I looked at the big group of people and mouthed "wait until later" they all nodded there heads. Stiles and the gang sat down in their original spots and I finally played the video.

"You know that lady does look a lot like mom." Stiles muttered. Even though he muttered it everyone still heard him, including his father. His father pulled him into a hug as a few tears fell from his eyes.
"Yeah son she does. But no one is like your mother. Claudia was special, just like you are." John said. Stiles smiled and his dad and leaned into him.
"Okay next video!" I yelled.

"No offence Scott but not everyone can be saved. I know the code, I mean I am the one who created it. But if we protect those who cannot protect themselves then who's suppose to protect us. Like Stiles said some of us are human. You might have claws and sharp teeth but what does your mom have? What does Lydia have? What did I have? I had arrows and that didn't protect me. Lydia has her scream but she still got attacked countless times." Allison said looking at Scott. Scott looked down and then looked at Stiles.
"I'm sorry." Scott said. Stiles looked at him and smiled.
"Its okay." Stiles said.
"Okay! Next video!!" I yelled

"Stiles you look so cute in a beanie! I'm so buying you one when we get out of here." Lydia exclaimed squealing.
"Lyds I am not wearing a beanie...never again." Stiles said. Lydia looked at him and pouted.
"Not gonna work." Stiles said crossing his arms. Lydia frowned and then smiled brightly.
"Fine you don't get kisses for a month." Lydia said smirking. Allison snorted while Scott tried to hide his laughter. Stiles turned to Lydia so fast you'd think he'd get whiplash.
"What! Lydia thats just unfair." Stiles whined. Lydia laughed and tapped his cheek.
"I will end your punishment once you wear a beanie." Lydia said. Stiles pouted and turned away from Lydia.
"Oh you big baby boo. Poor poor Stiles. And plus you deserve this. You knocked me up with a little Stiles devil." Lydia said. Stiles made an offended noise and pointed to himself.
"There can be only one Stiles devil and thats me. It will be a little Lydia devil." Stiles said firmly. Lydia scoffed at Stiles and rolled her eyes.
"Who knew Stuart was such a dork." Neha whispered to Lyle. Lyle nodded and looked at the rest of the team who agreed.
"Okay next video!" I yelled.

"Stuart is hot." Neha whispered. Lydia snickered because she heard her and went and kissed Stiles. Stiles responded instantly.
"What was that for?" Stiles asked.
"Nothing I just love you." Lydia said.
"I love you too." Stiles said giving her another quick peck.
"Okay! Next video!"

"Don't even start Scott. It was my job." Stiles said before Scott could utter a word. Scott nodded and turned back to the screen.
"That's actually all the videos I have for today so everyone head to bed. Couples with couples. And also Stiles is with Lydia guys so no fighting over him." I said. Katrina and Aubrey look down sadly and Lydia beams at me. I smile and nod at her.

Anyways that's the end. Like every other chapter says I do not own any of these tv shows or movies.

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