Stronger than you think

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Bring in Derek, Hale family from the past, sheriff Stilinski, agent Mccall, Mellisa Mccall, Jackson Whittemore, Ethan, Chris Argent, Isaac, Cora Hale, and theresa for drama.
"Okay before the next video starts I'm going to bring in some new people. Stiles please do not kill me. I do not want to die at the young age of 14." I said looking at Stiles at the end. I whistled and 10 people flashed into the room. Some of them fell down at the impact but others stayed up catching themselves. 7 people stepped up in shock when they saw Allison Argent standing next to Lydia Martin sitting down.
"Dad?!" Allison asked standing up. Chris rushed towards his daughter and pulled her into a hug
He let out a strangled sob and whispered "I never got to say goodbye" over and over. The rest of them stepped forward and gave her a hug. Derek walked over to where Scott was standing next to Stiles and they started talking in hushed voices. Cora walked up to her brother and also started discussing with Scott and Stiles. They explained what was going on before they heard someone shout Cora's name from the crowd. Cora looked up and saw her mom walking slowly towards her. Derek pulled Cora behind him and growled at his mom thinking she was just a trick. Talia growled back before noticing the way the young man smelled.
"Derek?" Talia asked cautiously. Derek growled again and I finally stepped forward.
"It's really them Derek. Its not an illusion." I say putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah she's got a point dude. Even little you is here." Stiles spoke up. Stiles pulled Lydia closer to him when he heard someone call his name. But not the name Stiles. His other name, Thomas. Stiles looked towards the voice and saw Theresa standing in the same clothes she died in. The memories flashed through his brain. Newt dying, the building collapsing, Theresa falling with it. He didn't realize he started having a panic attack until he felt someone grab his hand. He started panicking more when he couldn't stop the panic attack. He rushed to his feet,  causing Lydia to fall since she was leaning against his chest. Lydia rushed after him and faintly heard him counting his fingers trying to focus. It wasn't working so she grabbed his face and they both slowly fell to the floor. Lydia rubbed her thumb against his cheek bone and softly said "sh" over and over. It didn't calm him down so she did the only thing she could think of, she kissed him. It was a long passionate kiss that made him hold his breath just like he did for their first kiss. Every werewolf noticed his heart rate slow down. He was still breathing heavily but was calmer then he was before.
"If you keep doing that during my panic attacks don't be mad when people start going to you to calm me down." Stiles joked. Lydia let out a strangled laugh and gave him a quick kiss on the mouth.
"I wouldn't mind. If I can calm down my fiancee by kissing him then why does it matter. It just means I get to kiss you more." Lydia joked back.
"Can you guys stop being mushy mushy so we can just get through all these reunions. And plus Stilinski where's my hug? I mean I do deserve one after you literally kidnapped me." Jackson said from beside Ethan. Everyone chuckled except the people who didn't know what he was talking about.
"Oh my god Jackson it was one time. And plus you were the kanima we had to stop you somehow." Stiles said throwing his hands in the air. He got off the ground and turned back to help Lydia up. He walked over to Jackson and pulled him into a hug. They did one of those bro hugs before they both turned to Lydia and smiled.
"Are you gonna come and join the hug Lyds?" Stiles asked quirking an eyebrow while smirking. Lydia laughed and launched herself at Stiles and Jackson. They laughed and hugged her back. All the happy times was ruined by Theresa walking up and saying Stiles other name again.
"Thomas? Don't I get a hug? I mean I am your girlfriend." Theresa said thinking Lydia would think Stiles is cheating on her.
"Yeah my dead girlfriend. You died Theresa. And plus I might have loved you in the trials but I didn't have my memories then. I didn't remember the strawberry blond haired girl I've had a crush on since the third grade." Stiles said smiling down at the girl in his arms. Theresa made a hurt face and was about to say something but I beat her to it.
"Everyone we are about to watch another video! Its about the pack again!" I shouted. Everyone nodded and went to sit down. Once they got comfortable the video started.
(After video)
"Why do you look so crazy in the video Thomas?" Sonya asked. Stiles flinched at the question. Lydia grabbed his hand to comfort him and looked at Sonya.
"I don't think it's a good time to talk about that." She said. Members of the pack who were there when it happened nodded their head in agreement. Sonya nodded her head in understanding but still had a confused look on her face.
"Is nobody going to ask why Scott and Stiles almost blew themselves up?" Minho asked. The people that werent there when it happened chuckled at Minho, but the people who were grimaced.
"We were staying at a motel for I think a lacrosse game. The motel made people suicidal. Scott was one of the people that it controlled
Me, Lydia, and Allison found him in the parking lot standing in a puddle of gasoline with a flare in his hand. I talked him down and took the flare away from him and threw it away from us. But the wind picked up and it started rolling toward the puddle. Lydia pushed Scott and I out of the way right before it caught fire." Stiles said. Minho nodded his head with a sad look on his face.
"Sorry I shouldn't have asked." Minho said.
"It's fine it was a long time ago." Stiles said rubbing circles on Lydia's hand.
"How about I show you guys what happened brcause some of you still look confused." I said. Some people nodded along while others looked unsure. I looked at Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison. They nodded their heads giving me permission.

"Thank god Lydia's observant." Allison muttered. Stiles and Scott nodded their head agreeing with Allison.
"That was very brave of you Stiles." John said patting Stiles on the back. Stiles smiled up at his dad.
"Thanks dad." Stiles said.
"It was also very brave of you Lydia. Both of them would have been dead if you didn't see the flare." John said. Lydia smiled at him and nodded her head.
"Okay that is gonna be the last video we watch today. Its really late and you guys ptobably haven't slept since we got here. There is rooms on the east side of the building. All couples share a room. People who arent a couple or don't have a signifiant other will either share a room or be sleeping in their own room." I said. Everyone nodded their head and started heading to bed.

Okay thats the end! It took me literally 5 days to write this. I literally just finished it today(Friday) so yeah. I really hope you guys like it since it took me so long to write.

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