Chapter 14; Prepare

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This chapter is dedicated to my lovely and supportive reader @CamilleHoldaway, your comments truly inspire me. :)

"What do you mean 'birth right'?" I asked as  I frowned at Zane in confusion.
"It's you. You are the Queen of dragons, you are the one we created the monile for, you are the one who must rule the dragons! Don't you see Lian? That's why we never harm you. We need you. Now more than ever. The humans are becoming stronger, and we're leaderless. We need you to lead us." Zane exclaimed as if he'd been holding that in and now that he got the chance, everything Burt out of his mouth.

I sat, frozen for about a minute, trying process what he said.
"What kind of sick joke is this?" I huffed.
"It's not a joke Lian. You're the Queen of dragons." Zane insisted.
"I  can't be the queen of dragons, I'm not even a dragon!" I exclaimed. It couldn't be true how could I be a queen, how could I rule dragons?
"No one knew the queen was going to be a human, trust me, when we found out, we were as surprised as you are." Zane explained.
"But how did you know? How could you possibly find out?" I asked curiously.
"We can feel it. We can feel the pressents of the Queen. An unmistakable feeling. It's you Lian. Trust us. You are the true owner of the monile and the dragon kingdom. So go, tomorrow night, and reclaim what is rightfully yours. Or will you let down the whole dragon kingdom, even after we fought and died for you, even from before you were born?" Zane asked, his tone serious and almost cold. This wasn't a joke. This wasn't a dream. This was my duty and responsibility to the dragons. I couldn't let them down.

"Okay. I'll take it tomorrow night." I breathed out, regretting my words a second after I said them. No, I shouldn't regret it, I could be saving so many lives by returning the mobile to the dragons. Human and dragon lives.

"Thank you Lian. Once you wear that monile around your neck, you'll be able to rule the whole dragon kingdom. And I will proudly serve you as my Queen." Zane said, with a small bow of his head. I smiled and pet his head for a second, before he jerked back in disgust.


I slowly opened my door to my house, trying to be quiet. I had too much on my mind and I didn't really want to talk, but if my parents saw me I'm sure a conversation would start, no matter how much I tried to avoid it.
I slowly opened the door and walked inside carefully, but as I began to close the door behind me, a loud creak came from the door, seeming to erupt in the quiet night.
I sainted at the noise and hoped no one heard. But apparently, that was too much to ask for.

*Lain you're home!" I heard my mothers voice say from in her room, just a second before her and my father walked out of their bedroom and looked me up and down.
"Where have you been Lian, and why is your dress full of twigs?!" My mother exclaimed in worry. I looked down at my dress and noticed twigs hanging from the stitching everywhere.
"What happened to you Lian? We haven't seen you since the hunt." My father said, with more curiosity than worry in his tone. Perhaps he was trying to cover it up, that was the kind of thing my father would do.

"Okay okay, I can explain. After the dragon took off with me, I stabbed it in the foot and it dropped me. It took me ages to get home after that, I kept loosing my way." I explained,  changing little things in the story so it didn't seem suspicious.
"The town thinks the dragon was trying to protect you, and it's your pet or something that's why it let you go instead of eating you." My father said, then snorted a laugh. "How rediculious is that?" He added.

Iaughed nervously. "That is rediculious."
"They thought the dragon was actually protecting you." My mother added then chuckled at how funny people were for believing such nonsense.
*pft, he just wanted to eat me for himself, that's obvious!" I said then fake laughed, greatly struggling to do so.
"Yeah, people are funny. Just be careful, people are a bit suspicious of you now. But don't worry, it'll ware off in a week or two."My father said reassuringly.
"I hope so." I mumbled.
"Well, let's go back to bed, we can speak again in the morning. But we need to get uo early for the hunt remember." Father said to me. "Right. Good night." I said to my parents, then walked upstairs, entered my room, and jumped into my bed.
Sleep was feeling well over due tonight.
And my pillow looked very attractive.
I lay down and grabbed my pills in my arms and hugged it tight.
And only a few minutes after, did I drift asleep.


I awoke early in the morning, the sun was shining through the window, the leaves on the trees blew calmly in the wind.
I sat up and scratched my arm.
I looked around sleepily until my eyes landed on the crow perched on the windowsill. "Morning Cranky." I said quietly as I pet his head with my index finger.
Cranky chirped in reply.
"It's a big day today boy. I don't know how I'm going to pull this off, but I have to try. For the dragons, right?" I continued to whisper. Cranky flapped his wings, shaking the dusk and pollen that had settled in his feathers over night, flying into the air.
"Heh yeah... Thanks for the advice." I sighed as I stepped out of bed. I smiled at the curious bird that watched me with interest.
"Come on boy, I have a hunt to get to." I whispered to the bird, before walking out of my room, closing the door quietly behind me.

I walked past my parents who ate vegetables on the table. "Morning mum, morning dad." I said as I passed them.
"Good morning my butterfly." My mother replied as she turned to me and smiled.
"Leaving so soon?" My father asked quickly, before I was out of sight.
I stopped and turned around to look at my parents. "Just relaxing before the hunt." I answered. I continued walking aimlessly through the village.
The hunting party would leave in ten minutes, I was as excited as I always am. Today we'd be back from the hunt at about sunset, so after we were back, I needed to act fast. The monile wasn't going to steal itself.

I walked through the markets and towards the heart oak tree, when I halted at a familiar voice. A few familiar voices.
I peeked behind a market stall, and spotted the source of the voices. Leo spoke to Bella, Liliath and Asher.
"Yeah, she's such a disgrace, she thinks she's a man but she isn't!" Bella huffed.
They were talking about me, for sure.
"You know, if it wasn't for her stubborn father and his threats, Lian would've been punished severally!" Bella hissed, and the other girls nodded. Wait, what? I had no idea my father had went through so much trouble for me.
"What do you think of her Leo? I hear you two used to be friends?" Bella asked, turning to Leo.

As much as I hated Leo right now, I didn't want him to say anything against me. As much as I hated him, I still kind of cared about him and didn't want to split our friendship forever. And even if we are never friends, as long as we don't hate each other. I listened carefully to hear Leo, almost holding my breath.

April Bluebird/BlueWhiskers1.
Dragon Age.
Chapter 14; Prepare.
1308 words.

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