Chapter 8: The Tree House_Part 2

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Photo made by AjaxAth.

Shout out to 921Kathy for being one of the first to read my book. :)

The night grew colder and darker, the only source of light was the stars, and the moon that shone dimly through the cloud that covered it.

Me and Axel sat in front of each other, I had sat on the mammoth blanket that was piled in the corner of the small tree house.

"So, tell me about yesterday, what happened with you and the sabers?" I asked curiously. I hadn't even thought of it before, I was too confused and had a million things on my mind.

"Well.." Axel said, then without moving his head, looked up, as if he was looking for the memory that would answer my question.
"From the earliest I remember, I lived with sabers, my mother and father were sabers, and so were my siblings. I ate like a saber, spoke like a saber, but I knew I didn't look like one..." A flash of sadness crossed Axel's eyes for a moment, then it was gone.
"My father lead the packs, but after he could no longer lead because of his old age, he gave the job to me.
And so I am their Alpha. But.. Since I was a child, I used to have flashbacks and dreams of my family... I was a baby, and they left me with the sabers to die, then ran off..." Axel finished sadly. "I don't know if it's just a dumb nightmare, but it doesn't matter anyways."

"I'm sorry." I said, lost for words.
Axel nodded, an I could see hr didn't want to talk about his family anymore, so I quickly went back to talking about sabers.
"So if you were raised by sabers, why aren't you walking and talking like one?" I grinned as I asked. Honestly, I'd like to believe that I believed him... But I didn't. It didn't seem possible at all to me.

"I watched your village and heard all of you speak, and I eventually picked it up." He grinned back.

There was silence for a few minutes as I thought back to yesterday.
Wait! I had shot one of the sabers!
"Oh um, I am really sorry I shot that saber yesterday... I just, you know, I didn't know.." I said nervously. As Axel looked up from the floor where he'd been staring and looked at me fave with no expression, I swallowed a lump of guilt in my throat.

"He's alright, you didn't kill him yet. And no need to explain yourself, I know it was self-defense. I always tell them not to go after humans or they'd get hurt." Axel sighed and shook his head. I was surprised when he said 'humans' rather than 'people'.

I was about to apologize again anyway, just because the feeling of guilt was still lingering in my throat and the pit of my stomach, but before any words came out of my mouth, I heard sharp tapping outside, it sounded like someone knocking on a wall of the tree house.
I couldn't imagine anyone else was as crazy as me in the world, who'd actually climb up into this place in the middle of the night.

I looked at Axel questioningly. Axel looked back at me just as puzzled as I was.
Maybe he had some friends here to  visit him without him knowing? I told myself. But I discarded to thought as soon as it came.
Who could he possibly know?

Me and Axel stood up and made our way to the opened door. I was walking slightly behind him, because I guess it was an unspoken rule when you visit someone, to walk behind them and let them lead the way.

We both stopped as we got outside, the cold night breeze making our hair fly wildly with it. I looked around, but everything was almost pitch black.
But as Axel did, I continued to scan the floors and walls, but couldn't see anyone or anything.
I was about to give up when I saw something shiny, the moon light was reflecting right onto it.
I squinted to make it out, when suddenly, it moved. Sharply tapping something on the floor.
As my eyes began to adjust to the pitch black darkness I finally made it out, the shiny thing was a beak.

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