Chapter 16; A Promise Forfilled

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This chapter is dedicated to ___Shhhh who also made the cover above. Please go check out her profile and her graphics shop, that would mean a bunch to me.
Also, please everyone donate or do what you can for the people in Australia suffering from the droughts and bushfires. They're worse than ever and anyone who can, in anyway, please help. ~I say this from Australia.
Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter. It is almost double the size of my other ones! Also, this book is getting close to the end, so enjoy the last few chapters!!! ~🖤


We quietly made our way towards the mammoth, taking our time to place each foot carefully and quietly.
I knew, like everyone else in the hunting party, that this was kind of weather would atract unwanted preditors.
The cold wind and thick snow meant a lot of prey would be hibernating or hiding underground to avoid the cold. And a lot of vegetation would be covered up by thick layers of snow and ice, and that meant there was much less prey.
This meant a lot of preditors could be after the same prey.

I imagined all the other preditors stalking the same, one tusked mammoth me and the hunters were hunting. A chill ran down my spine as I imagined I was the prey all the animals were hunting, then I quickly disgarded the thought. The only preditors that would be around here in this cold, would be large birds or sabers.
Sabers. Axel and his pack could be looking for prey too. And based on past experiences, this is a popular hunting spot for the Sabers too. I decided it would be wise to keep a close eye out for any Sabers, there would be a fifty percent chance they'd be here, and a pack of hunting Sabers is never a safe thing.

"She has a missing tusk, that makes her an easier target." I heard the cheif say, just above a whisper, only a metre ahead.
"Go for her legs, once she's down, she'll be easy to take out, got that?"
The party quietly agreed.
"Ready..." The cheif started.
I reached into my quiver and pulled out my bow. "Attack!!"

The hunting party ran out of their hiding spots and into the snowy clearing where the mammoth stood. I quickly grabbed an arrow from my quiver and knocked it onto the bow. The hunting party struck the mammoths legs with their swords and axes. The mammoth stepped back, trying to avoid their weapons, then swung her trunk at the men, who flew back metres from the impact of the blow. I shot at the mammoths face, making it miss its next blow with its trunk. I ran into the clearing, trying to get better shots at the mammoth. My father, using his large sword, sliced a deep gash in the mammoths foot. The mammoth kicked him backwards with her injured foot.
The air began to smell of blood and I knew we had to kill the mammoth fast, or the smell of blood would atract another preditor.

I pulled back my next arrow, aiming for the mammoths eye, when suddenly my consintration was broken by a loud vibration of running feet. Or in this case, paws. I swung my head to the right to see a pack of about fifteen saber tooth cats, charging towards my hunting party.
"Look out!!" I yelled as loud as I could, my voice reaching all the ears in the clearing.
Everyone looked at the Sabers as they ran in their direction. The Sabers needed the meat as much as we did, and they were reading to fight for it.
The Sabers were almost up to me within a few seconds, and I knew I couldn't outrun them, so in the desperate situation I was in, I crouched onto the snowy ground and covered my face, my bow falling on the floor. I couldn't kill these Sabers, they were Axel's family. But I couldn't outrun them, and being trampled by a pack of hungry Sabers was never a good thing.

But as I heard the pack run past me, and even a couple jump over me, I uncovered my face and cautiously stood. They were dodging me. I looked past the Sabers that ran past me. Raz lead the Sabers towards the hunting party, chasing them away from the mammoth so they could then catch it for themselves. You may be my friends, I thought with a grim smile as I watched the Sabers run, but that doesn't mean I'll let you take my prey.

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