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"When can I open?"

I chuckled, firmly holding my hands over Alexis's eyes. "In a sec."

She sighed, tilting her head over. "Freddy King, I demand your hands-"

I dropped them and smiled, tightly wrapping my arms around her waist. I pressed a kiss to her neck, slightly lifting her up off of the ground.

"Oh, my, Fred," she whispered, a hand over her mouth, "this is beautiful."

"Look at the view," I muttered, moving her hair away from her neck.

She dropped her hand and it brushed against my own. She looked over her shoulder and smiled, biting down on her bottom lip. I looked down at her, cracking a small smile. I'd kept my cool for as long as I possibly could've.

I trailed my hands down her sides, tracing her bare back with my fingertips. I cleared my throat and let out a sigh, pausing before ripping her dress off. I pushed her against the window, pressing a kiss to her collarbone.

"How'd you get that done so quick?" She breathlessly asked, giggling.

"You knew exactly what you were doing when you put that on," I muttered, forcefully grabbing her jaw.

"Right after an intimate, sweet ceremony-"

I cut her off with a kiss and unclasped her bra, throwing it to the side. I couldn't have been less concerned about where it'd ended up.

She hastily unbuttoned my shirt, pushing it off of my shoulders. I threw it to the side, too, taking a second to breathe.

"So," she muttered, wrapping her arms around my neck, "can I pleasantly request you to fuck me like I'm your wife?"


I began to pick her up, but her phone started ringing. She let out a loud sigh, biting down on her bottom lip.

"Lex, don't answer it," I muttered, watching as she picked up her dress. She covered her bare chest, picking up her phone.

"It's Dad," she mouthed, answering the call, "hello?"

She raked her free hand through her hair, biting down on her bottom lip. I sat on the couch and kept my eyes glued to her.

"Yeah, we made it," she said, walking around the rather spacey villa.

I clenched my jaw, attempting to fight my agitation.

"Yes, Dad," she said, "hey, can I maybe call you back?"

She paused for a second, chewing on her bottom lip. "Okay, love you. Tell Mi to behave."

She hung up and dropped her phone, rubbing her forehead. "The mood is nonexistent now, isn't it?"

I stood up, folding my arms over my chest. "N-no."

"You stuttered, so you lied," she said, delicately crossing her arms over her bare chest.

I tilted my head over. "Your dad's a cockblock."

She cracked a half smile, grabbing her bra from the other side of the room.

"If anyone should know the utter desperation, it's him," I said, grabbing my shirt from the ground.

She opened her suitcase that had been sloppily thrown on the ground by myself. Alexis definitely knew how to pack heavily for a week-long vacation.

She sat on the floor, looking defeated as she rifled through the tons of clothing she'd packed.

"And how did I manage to pack no comfortable sleepwear?"

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