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I chuckled, watching Dad chase Arabella around the patio.

"Please give me my shoes."

Lena giggled, resting her head on my chest.

"Nah, keep the old man moving, Ari," I yelled, making Dad stop in his tracks. He gripped his hips and tilted his head over.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're getting on up there, Pops," I said, shrugging.

He nodded, his eyes in thin slits. "I can probably run faster than you."

"Ah, but what's that stamina looking like?" I asked, grinning as I took a sip of my beer. "Adora?"

"Hm?" She pleasantly asked, walking outside.

"She is always dressed so perfectly," Lena sighed.

"What's the old dude's stamina looking like?"

Adora giggled, looking down.

"She knows it's unmatched," Dad said, "I need some damn water."

He reached down and grabbed his water bottle, earning a laugh from me as he chugged it.

"Here's your shoes, Daddy." Arabella dropped his shoes and smiled up at him.

"Better be glad you're cute, kiddo. I wouldn't have run that many laps around the pool if you weren't."

She shrugged. "Mommy, you look so pretty."

"Thank you, sweetheart," she said, "wanna come help Mommy cook?"

Dad's eyes went round. "I think not."

"Why not?" Adora asked, grabbing Ari's hand.

"Um, I like my kitchen," Dad deadpanned, "Arabella need not be around any cooking appliances."

Adora lifted an eyebrow, resting her hand on her hip.

"If Daddy says no, it's a no," Adora said, which took me by surprise.

"That's okay," Arabella said, picking up Dad's shoes again.

"Arabella," he groaned, letting out a heavy sigh.

Adora giggled and knelt down. "I have a gift for you."

"That's so sweet," I said, "but you-"

"Not you," she said, "Lena."

Lena sat upright, clapping her hands. "If this is what I think it is, I'll die."

Adora held a beautifully wrapped box out to her, grinning. "Open."

Lena carefully opened it, letting out a gasp. "It is what I thought it was!"

Lena pulled out Adora's book, hugging it close to her chest. "I was going to buy it, anyways."

"No," Adora said, shaking her head as she stood, "my gift to you."

"Feeling a little left out over here," I said, holding up my pointer finger.

Adora rubbed my shoulder. "You'll get your present, you know, at some point."

I looked up at her. "You don't even know what my present is."

"Don't call me out," she said, pointing at me, "I'm going to finish up dinner."

She walked into the house and Lena opened the book, leaning against me. "We should read this together. Make it our bonding time."

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