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"Eight hundred, nine hundred, one grand," Dad said, throwing the cash on the table in front of him.

"One grand," I said, throwing mine on the table.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Are you excited?"

I nodded, looking around at the extravagant gender reveal party. Alexis had planned the actual party, but Lena, Adora, Mom, and Alexis's mom had decorated and already knew the genders of the twins.

"I'm nervous," I said, "what if it's two girls?"

"I'll keep you in my prayers," Dad said, tipping back his beer.

I chuckled, smiling when Jo walked over to us. "Hey."

"Hey," he said, smiling as he shrugged out of his jacket, "that meeting went dangerously well."

I looked over at him. "Do you know the genders?"

"Promise I don't," he said, grabbing himself a beer.

I clapped my hands, smiling. "I'm excited."

"Arabella did that exact same thing this morning."

I rolled my eyes. "Let me be alive."

Jo chuckled, wrapping an arm around Lena's neck. "Hi."

"Hi," she greeted, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "are we ready? Everyone's here."

I nodded, jogging over to Alexis. She spun around, squealing as she threw her arms around my neck. "I'm stoked."

"I'm nervous," I said, pressing a kiss to her temple, "and equally as excited."

"So we just twist these?" She asked, holding up a cylinder-shaped contraption.

"I guess so," I muttered, studying it.

I squinted up at the sun, resting my hands on my hips. "Is everyone ready?"

"Hold on!" Mom yelled, shoving past everyone. She held her phone up and I narrowed my eyes, shaking my head.

"Let her," Alexis whispered, "Mom, are you ready?"

"Yes," she said, smiling a broad smile.

Dad grimaced at mom, rolling his eyes as he folded his arms over his chest. I chuckled and grabbed mine, looking over at Alexis.

"Three," she excitedly said, her eyes locked on mine.

"Two," I said, my stomach doing a somersault.

"One!" Everyone yelled, and we popped open each of our smoke bombs.

"Holy shit!" I screamed, as soon as I saw the pink and blue smoke.

"Oh, my God!" Jo yelled, running over to me. He attacked me with a hug before anyone else could've possibly thought, and we both laughed.

"I'm having a girl and a boy!" I yelled, chuckling.

"Yeah, you are!" He yelled, pulling away from me.

"I'm having a girl!" Alexis screamed at the top of her lungs, jumping up and down.

"I'm having a boy!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around her waist. I picked her up and she squealed, pressing a kiss to my lips.

Dad held his beer up. "So I'm only out five hundred."

"Cancels out," I yelled, winking.

"Fred," Alexis said, cupping my face.

"Lex," I said, looking her deep in the eyes.

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