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I stood against the French doors, a smile on my face. "Well, good morning."

I could feel Josiah's smile as he brought his coffee cup up to his lips. "Good morning."

"Someone's up early," I said, "you beat me."

He nodded towards the sunrise. "It was so beautiful, I had to watch another."

"You could've woken me," I said, cautiously placing a hand on his shoulder.

He looked back at me, placing his coffee cup on the table next to him. I brushed my nails against his skin and walked over to the railing, leaning against it.

I could feel his eyes on me.

"You don't have anything on under that robe, do you?"

I looked back at him, bracing my elbows on the railing.

"I know your body better than anyone," he said, resting his chin in his palm, "there's nothing under that."

"I was about to get a shower," I said, looking back towards the sunrise.

He was relaxed in his chair. Shirtless, grey sweatpants, and his legs spread. He knew that picture could've driven me crazy.

"Come here."

I looked over my shoulder. "Hmm?"

"Come here," he said, his jaw taut.

I gulped and turned around to face him, trying to hide how nervous I was. I wasn't sure what was about to happen.

I stood in front of him, my breathing heavy. "I'm here."

He leaned forward, placing his hands in the curve of my waist. I felt every inch of me light up, and I let out a breath.

He untied my robe, ripping it open to see my bare body beneath. He pulled his hands away from me, his eyes fixated on my naked body on full view.

He pulled me close, his hands loving, and not needy, like they usually were. He was being gentle, trailing his hands down my sides, and tracing the parts of my body that were reachable.

He pressed a kiss to my stomach, massaging the inside of my thigh. I gripped his hair, biting down on my bottom lip. "Jo."

His hands were getting more needy with each second. He trailed them up my sides and to my chest, pressing sloppy kisses to my skin.

"Jo, baby," I whispered, leaning my head back. My robe fell off of my shoulders and my backside was now on view for everyone to see.

I don't think you have a lot to worry about, it's six A.M., Lena.

I was getting lost in the pleasure, letting out a quiet moan as he continued to feel my body.

His head fell against my stomach, soon enough, and he dropped his hands. I looked down at him, chewing on my bottom lip.

"Walk away," he weakly whispered, his jaw flexing.


"Walk away, Lena," he said, grabbing my robe from the ground.

I sighed, grabbing the robe from his hands. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his head, raking my fingers through his hair.

He cleared his throat and pulled away from me, trying his hardest to avert his attention back to the sunrise. "Go get your shower."

I nodded, slipping back into my robe as I walked back inside.



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