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I stumbled out of the elevator, straightening out my shirt. I checked the mirror and made sure I looked more put together than I was feeling.

I spun around and jumped when I saw a girl with brown, fuzzy hair and glasses standing in front of me with an armful of papers.

"Shit," I jumped, looking down at her.

"H-hi," she said, struggling to hold the stack of papers.

"Hey," I questionably greeted, lifting an eyebrow.

"Hey, stranger," Fred greeted, smiling, "this is Cecilia."

"Oh," I said, relaxing a bit, "you're Cecilia."

"Yes sir, that's me." She lifted her leg and rested the papers on them, struggling to hold out her free hand.

"Josiah," I said, shaking her hand, "it's nice to meet you."

She blew her frizzy hair out of her face, smiling up at Fred. "I'm going to finish filing these."

"Thank you."

I watched her walk away, looking over at him. "Oh?"

"She's sweet," he said, "and honestly, better at the job than Meredith was."

I shrugged out of my jacket. "She seems a little all over the place."

"I could say the same for you," he deadpanned, looking over at me, "late start?"

"Needy wife this morning."

He chuckled. "How was the honeymoon?"

I walked into my office, raking my hand through my hair. I fell down in my chair, smiling up at him.

"Good?" He asked, sitting on the edge of my desk.

"Never felt anything like it," I muttered, "and who knew I'd be so happy to not get sleep?"

"Sex over sleep any day," he responded, nodding, "absolutely."

"How are things with Lex?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded, winking.

"Hey, Mr. King?"

Cecilia shyly peeked in the office.

"Hey, Cecilia," Fred said, standing up.

"Just wanted to remind you that you've got a meeting today," she said, nodding with a smile.

Fred nodded. "Thank you."

I looked up at him. "Me included?"

"Yes," he answered, standing up, "you included."

I bit down on my lip. "Has Amanda been pissy?"

He shook his head, his bottom lip jutted out. "Nope. I'm assuming Logan's sexting skills are great, or either he blows a shit ton of money on plane tickets."

I chuckled, looking back at her. She was quietly sitting at her desk, which happened to be all she did these days.

Fred sighed, resting his hands on his hips. "And there's the teenage girl."

I spun around in my chair, seeing Cecilia standing at her desk. She was typing away on her phone, and the huge stack of papers still waiting to be filed was sitting on her desktop.

"Cecilia," Fred called out, leaning against the threshold of my office.

"Yes sir?" She asked, hesitating for a second before looking up from her phone.

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