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"Got it, Mi?"

Milo tilted his head over. "Do you know how many times I did this for your dad?"

I chuckled, following him to my office. He threw the huge box down on my desk, sucking in a breath when my desk squeaked.

"You're paying for the damage," I said, nodding towards him.

He chuckled, resting his hands on his hips as he admired my office. "This is so nice. Really motivates me to actually do something with my life."

He walked over to my window, leaning against it. "Ah, sunlight. Seattle is stingy with its sun."

"Tell me about it," I muttered, looking back at my door as soon as it opened.

"Hi, Mr. King," Cecilia greeted, waving as she shrugged out of her coat.

"Hi," I said, "beautiful day, yeah?"

"For sure," she said, and her eyes met Milo's.

"Cecilia, this is Milo," I said, "Alexis's younger brother."

She plastered on a smile, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "H-hi. I'm Cecilia."

He stuck out a hand, grinning. "Milo, obviously. Nice to meet you."

She shook it, smiling up at him. I clapped my hands, rolling up my sleeves. "It's gonna be a productive day."

I didn't get a response out of either of them, so I glanced over at the pair. Cecilia was still admiring Milo, and Milo was fixated on the view from my window.

"Hey, Cecilia."

She didn't respond, just continued to twirl a strand of hair around her finger.

I snapped my fingers, earning her attention.

"It's time to work," I said, cracking a small smile.

"Right," she answered, nodding as she stumbled out of my office.

I chuckled, sitting on the edge of my desk. "So. Girls?"

Milo shook his head. "At this point, I'm better off to just give up."

"Ah, don't say that," I said, "I thought the same when your sister and I broke up."

"Yeah, well, Lex is an actual decent girl," he said, "the ones I have to choose from aren't."

"Someone's going to come around eventually," I said, "you just have to be patient."

"Yeah, well, patience doesn't run in the family."

"Ask your sister about that, considering she made me wait a year for sex."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "That's just not even right, man."

"Tell me about it."

"But, I did see the hottest girl at the airport," he began, sitting on the edge of my desk, "I've never seen anyone that looks like h-"

We were both caught off guard when we noticed Cecilia standing at the door, nervously pushing her glasses up.

"I-I just wanted to remind you that your wife is coming at eleven. And you have a meeting at one."

I smiled, nodding. "Thank you."

She bit her lip and turned around, walking out of my office with a look of defeat on her face.

"How old is she?" He asked, looking at me.

"Eighteen," I said, "interested?"

He chuckled. "No. She just looks young."

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