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"Lena King," I said, grinning down at her, "that has a ring to it."

She giggled and pressed a kiss to my lips. "I'd say so."

I held her close, my jaw against her temple. There was a crowd, but not a big one. We didn't want a ton of people here.

"Can I be the first to hug the groom?"

I turned around, seeing Jay standing behind me.

"Jay!" I yelled, chuckling as I pulled him in for a hug.

"The man settled down," he said, shaking his head, "I can fully say, I didn't expect it from you."

"Where's Ty?" I asked.

"He's with your little sister. She's teaching him how to dance."

He nodded in the direction of Ari and Ty, making me chuckle. "Thank you for coming, man. It means the world."

"I wouldn't have missed it for anything," he said, grabbing the back of my neck.

Lena smiled up at me, rubbing my arm. "I'll leave-"

"No," Jay said, "no, I'm about to run. Delia's waiting on a dance."

I smiled. "You better treat her right."

"Got it, boss," he said, winking as he ran off.

I wrapped my arms around her neck, smiling. I pressed a kiss to her temple as we continued to dance to the music playing.

"So I think now would be a good time to discuss our honeymoon."

"I think when we get there would be a good time to discuss it."

She looked up at me, tilting her head over. "I'm your wife now."

"Can't use that excuse," I said, shaking my head. I looked away from her, because if I didn't, I would've caved and told her.

"At least a hint," she whined, her hands resting on my sides.

"Okay, I'll give you a hint," I said, leaning down to her ear, "I'm going to fuck you on every surface there is."

She pulled away from me, her playful smile replaced with a rather serious expression.

"Let's go somewhere," she whispered, her hands on my hips.

I shook my head, grinning as I rubbed her cheek. "And no sex until then."

She let out a half-sigh, half-whimper as she pulled me closer. "Baby."

I pressed a kiss to her forehead and walked over to Fred and Dad, smiling.

"She's pouting," Fred said, "did you already piss her off?"

"Something like that," I said, rolling my sleeves up.

I kept my eyes locked on hers from across the crowd. She was talking to a few of her friends, but her eyes were glued to mine.

I grinned and grabbed a glass of champagne, taking a sip. I felt hands on my shoulders, so I turned around.

"So when am I getting some nieces and nephews?" Ty asked, throwing his arms around Fred and I.

Fred's jaw clenched, he looked away from us. I smiled over at him. "None on my agenda."

"And you?" Ty asked.

Fred looked back at him. "Maybe soon."

Ty let out a sigh. "Little girl, I told you-"

"Ty, my name is Ari," Arabella said, "you said you were still dancing with me."

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