chapter seventeen

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„Well...", Tweek had flushed cheeks, „I could tell you if you really want to know?"
I nod. The doctor who was here while Tweek was out. He told me that I was suffering from amnesia. That it might take a while to regain my memory. But since my brain had regenerated so well I should be having no problem recollecting everything. I would just need time and a trip down memorylane. It's like with these words that helped me snap out of coma. I just needed the same for my mind.
„I'd really appreciate it Tweek.", I say and he gives me a big smile.
My stomach flutters. What a cute smile. I sure am a lucky guy to have him as a boyfriend.
„What would you want to know?", he asks.
„Can you tell me about me? Or about who I am to you?"
Tweek blushes heavily. His whole face turn red.
„Well... I first got to know you when we were together in the hospital. You know we got into a fight because of Stan and his gang. We talked a lot and figured out that they tricked us to fight. I started hanging with you and your friends afterwards. When we were in 4th grade the asian girls started drawing yaoi of us. We didn't like it, both of us. Everyone thought we were dating. So you came up to me with the idea to stage a break up. I didn't think that I could do it but you gave me the confidence in myself. It ended pretty messy and in the end we decided to start fake dating. We went on with it for about two years. We grew pretty close then. But since we both weren't sure if we're really in love or gay as a matter of fact we decided to call it quits and stay friends. Obviously that didn't work out. So you hung out with Token, Clyde and Jimmy like always, but I made new friends with Butters and Kenny..."
„I don't really know all of these people but the ones you mentioned that they hung out with me sounds really familiar. Can you tell me about these guys? And what or who is Butters?"
„Uhm... so there's Clyde. You've been friends with him forever. He's very emotional. You know he lost his mother and stuff. When we were kids he spent a lot of time with Raisins girls. He was also on your franchise when we played superheroes as kids. He's pretty funny and lively. He started playing football this year. He has an older sister I think, a stepbrother and also two little twin sisters. Then next we have Token. He's the mom in our group and he is Clydes boyfriend. Clyde confessed to him at the beginning of the school year. He is also into sports and plays basketball. His parents are the richest folks in South Park. He is like Clyde also in your friend group..."
My friends group? What about you?", I raise an eyebrow at him.
„I also hang with the guys but they're more your friend group. I'd rather call Butter and Kenny my friend group. The last part of your friend group is Jimmy. He's the comedian of the group always a joke on his lips. He is also disabled, well he has to walk with the help of crutches. He's currently working for the school newspaper. He's dating Bebe Stevens a pretty hot girl from our grade."
„So you're bi?", I ask a little jealous.
Tweek face turns bright red: „No, no... I'm totally gay or rather Craig-sexual."
I blush at his terrible flirting.
„Well, so that's basically my gang then?", I change the subject.
„Yeah.", Tweek nods.
„So what about us? What happened after the fake-dating? I mean are we still faking it?", I try to sound causal but honestly I'm really curious since he makes my stomach flutter.
He retells the tale of our breakup and the make-up. Our first kiss in the closet. How we got together on New Years Eve. The promise rings we exchanged that night the things I said that night. Now I know that I'm totally cheesy. I look at my hands noticing that my ring is missing.
„Oh dang. They took my ring. But it's only plastic right? A twelve year old can barley buy something real."
„Oh my god! GAH! We have to call the nurse or someone. They're real Craig. You bought them and sort of proposed to me on the last day of summer...", he stammers.
My eyes go wide.
„We're engaged?", I gasp.
Tweek nods and asks hesitatingly: „C-can.. can I... um... would y-you mind if I-I... GAH! May-may I..."
I take his hand rubbing my fingers calming over his knuckles.
„Calm down honey. What do you want?", I ask with a soothing voice.
„You-you called me h-honey.", he stammers still with a red face.
My ears heat up. I think why did I call him honey? It just felt normal to call him that. Is that my petname for him?
Tweeks eyes start to water: „My petname. You call me honey."
„Can I kiss you Tweek?", I ask and immediately clasp my hands over my mouth.
Why did I say that? I don't even remember him or our relationship. I mean yeah fragments are coming back through the stories he told me.
Tweeks pupils dilate. He nods and leans over to me softly planting his lips on mine. My insides are all churned up. He kisses me very carefully trying not to hurt me. I place my hands on his cheeks. Our kiss intensifies and I bury my hands in his hair and pull him closer. His tongue asks for allowance to enter and I'm about to give it but a knock on the door interrupts us and we pull apart. Tweeks and my lips are swollen and his eyes are glazed with lust.
„Oh my god, were you just making out?", a young girl squeals.
The canadian boy next to her nudges her in the ribs and she giggles.
„Mom and dad should be here any minute.", the girl says, „I'm really glad you're awake bro"
She smiles and flips me off. Without hesitation I also flip her off.
„Seems like you're alright.", she snickers and closes the door behind her.
„Yeah, totally. I just don't know your name kid.", I crack a smile.
„You're joking, right?", she asks looking at and then at Tweek.
„Sorry Trish. He doesn't even remember me or anyone. He's suffering from amnesia."
„Uhu... so Craig, you put your tongue in every strangers throat?"

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