chapter twenty

372 13 5

art credit goes to @horrorparksp


Tweek and I have been investigating for 2 weeks now and the distraction is great. I have been so busy with therapy and regaining my memory that I barley had time to shut down and do something I like. Hanging out with Tweek is great. I quickly realized that I'm head over heels for this boy after our makeoutsession in the hospital. He really helps me a lot with getting my memory back. My family and my friends are also a great help. My sister is struggling pretty hard but we had a lot of heart to hearts and are pretty close now. She even told me about her boyfriend and their first kiss. We had a rocky relationship when we were younger at least as much as I remember, so I'm glad that we get along so well now.

Tweek is explaining something to me on our crime board.
"...And that's why Kyle and Cartman are connected. I think we should interrogate them. Maybe over a cup of tea? Craig are you even listening?", he asks.
„Yeah uh sure interrogating fatass and the jew or whatever."
„You're not taking this serious anymore are you? I was your idea to begin with.", Tweek calls out.
I sigh: „You're right. Look I thought it be amazing if we find the person responsible for this but it's just making you and me go crazy. It's totally nerve wrecking and I know that you're suffering honey. I just think we need to dr-..."
I got interrupted by Tweeks phone ringing.
Leopold Stotch 💫 calling
„What could Butters want?", I asked brows furrowed
Tweek shrugs and picks up his phone.
„Hey Leo what's up?", he says holding the phone on his ear with one hand while fiddling with my sweater.
„Woah... slow down Leo. Start from the beginning. And what's got the new kid got to do with all of... no way! Oh my god are you serious?", tears started welling up in Tweeks eyes and he let go of my sweater.
I looked at him inquiring and he whipped his tears away. He places his index finger on my lips while still concentrating on what Butters is telling him.
„Uhhuh... yeah, alright. I'll see you in a bit? Yeah he's probably coming too. I guess I don't mind. Who's going to be there? Freemans? Yeah I'm hungry I'll text Clyde, Jimmy and Token. See ya."
He hung up and turned to face me.
„Are you gonna tell me what's going on?", I ask wrapping my arms around him.
He looks up to me with sad eyes: „You remember the new kid? He used to play with us for a while when we were kids but he stopped when we got older. I even haven't seen him in forever. Well turn out he's a she so yeah that's one thing but... GAH! she... she got her tongue cut out tonight... we meet up with the guys in a few. I mean you're coming too right?"
I smiled at him: „Wherever you go I go babe."
„That's so cheesy Craig.", he giggled and pecked a quick kiss on my lips, „let's grab our coats and go."

The guys were already sitting in a booth in Freemans Tacos. Tweek and I took a seat next to Token.
„So we're complete?", Token asks Butters.
„Uhm... Kenny was supposed to come, but I guess we can start without him."
„Why did you invite Mcwhoremick?", I ask annoyed and Tweek nudges me in the ribs, „I mean nevermind."
„Well as you all know the reason for this meeting is the 'tonguecutter' who has been cutting out girls tongues all over town. Since the police are doing nothing about this and it keeps going since 3 months we ourselves should investigate this and bring justice to the victims.", Butters explained energetic.
„Uhm... GAH! actually Craig and I have been investigating for a while", Tweek started his face turning red, „and we got some pretty good leads. We think that the person isn't a a teen, rather an adult. Possibly a parent or one of the older children. Ngh... but we're not sure."
Clydes eyes widen: „Woah dudes are you for real? Also why didn't you tell us anything?"
„Well... we still aren't sure if our leads are correct and everything. And we didn't want you guys to wor-...", Tweek explains but gets interrupted by a out of breath Kenny.
„Hey guys sorry I'm late.", he wheezes.
„No problem Ken. You were saying Tweek?", Butters says.
„So uhm... Craig and I do have a suspect list but as I said we're not 100% sure or anything. Do you guys wanna hear it?", Tweek asks and I squeeze his hand to help him calm down.
He smiles at me.
„Ugh... get a room you two.", Kenny complained, „but yeah I guess I speak for everyone when I say we wanna hear the list."
„He's r-r-right. The person who hurt my g-girl needs to be taken d-d-down.", Jimmy adds.
Tweek shoots me a look and I just nod.
„So our main suspects are Gerald Broflovski since he's a psychopath all the way ever since we found out what he did online. Plus we found out that he didn't like Heidi. So yeah that's why he's number one. Next we have Trent Boyett, I know I said it's more plausible to be an adult but since he's so vicious with what he did to when he returned after he got back from jail the second time. You all know the Bradley Biggles incident so I won't get into it too much why he's a main one. Another possible suspect is former principal Victoria. She's still bitter that she got fired all those years ago and she's gone crazy with the thought that all girls need to be punished because of all sorts of h
junk. Last we have... uhm I'm sorry to say this Leo but the our last suspect is your father. He's also crazy as we know from you and also in general since he flips out over the smallest things. He has always had a negative view on girls ever since you came out as trans Leo."
He sighs resting his head on his chin: „No, no... it's alright. I believe that this would be possible. I just hope it's not. He destroyed my life enough thus far..."
Tweek grabs his free hand over the table and gives it a firm squeeze while smiling apologetic at him.
„I'm really sorry Leo."

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